part 1 soulmate?

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POV: bakugou
i prepared myself for another day at worthless school. i might as well already be a hero after all i've been through. i didn't need this damn school in the first place. i was mid way through my thinking when a knock at my dorm room door sent me crashing into reality. after i caught my breath, because apparently a fucking knock startled me, i opened the door to see a smiley kirishima. my redstring trailed on the ground behind me. though i could only see it. my whole body became less tense immediately as i leaned against the doorframe. he looked so content.
"whatchu' want shit hair?" i asked tiredly as if i hadn't been up an hour.
"hey baku!! i was on my way to class and wanted to walk with you, figured it could be fun!" his sharp teeth continued to hold his grin. and that nickname. i snapped my fingers inside my hoodie pocket as a slight spark shocked my palm. just to keep me from blushing.
"don't call me that. it's.. weird." i said monotone.
"whyyy?" he begged. psh. stupid.
"i told you why dumbass, it's weird. makes us sound like a.. a couple." we both paused immediately and our eyes locked for a couple seconds that felt like hours. i split eye contact and he broke the silence.
"uh haha fine then how about katsuki, or kat? or SUKI?? aww" he blushed slightly and scratched the back of his neck. it was odd how he didn't even look awkward he just looked comfortable. me on the other hand was freaking out. on the inside of course because fuck emotions.
"ugh fine whatever do what you want i really don't care. let's go before we're late. k, ei?" i pretended like i wasn't pleading for him to give me a million nicknames. of course i liked that ray of sunshine. i mean who couldn't. he was perfect. i hadn't come out yet. i knew i was gay, my parents knew. and so did stupid deku since we grew up together. but he never told anyone. thankfulky. kiri though, he was out. and no one cared. everyone liked him regardless. but it wouldn't be like that for me..
"aww holy shit did you just say 'ei'? ahh that's so sweet- i uh i mean cool. that's really cool of you. yay for nice nicknames. am i still gonna be shitty hair though? i mean i've gotta be? right? it's iconic." he blabbed the whole way to school. i listened and enjoyed though i'd never tell him. i've never cared about the soulmate bullshit. i've always figured i just didn't have one. like my red string just didn't have another half. a lot of people found theirs young but i didn't. i just didn't care. until i met kirishima. part of me hoped. but i ignored that.
at school
"alright and that brings us to our first topic of today, you will be battling with partners out in the training arena. make sure to take mental notes on your partners strengths and weaknesses because you will have to write a small paper after this that will complete 20% of your grade." it seemed as if mr. Aizawa wouldn't ever shut up but eventually he did and the class began to hustle to each other searching for partners.
"hehe be my partner" kiri laughed as he slammed his hand to my desk
"excuse me?" i said in a raspy like tone.
"for the assignment. pleaseeee!" he begged.
"fine, fine. let's go cmon" i couldn't help let a smile slip through.
after school
"man you were really good today!" he smiled from ear to ear.
"heh thanks. you too i guess." i held out my fist and he bumped his to mine.
"we rock!!" he exclaimed happily.
".. we kinda do." i said under my breath, hoping he didn't hear me.
we walked home together slowly.
"why aren't you walking with pikachu and the rest of idiot nation?" i asked curiously. after school he was usually goofing off with them and didn't back until a little later in the afternoon.
"uh well. mina has detention. again, sero's out visiting family, and kami wanted some time alone to hang out with shinsou, kamanari's been pretty depressed after his breakup. he and shin are close so he wanted some time with him." 
"breakup?? with who?" i didn't know that loser was actually dating someone.
"oh um jirou. it was actually pretty harsh... though it wasn't meant to be"
"what happened?" i asked again.
"i guess jirou realized she swung towards girls a little more but didn't tell kamanari for months so when he found out she was faking the relationship.."
"oh.. what about their strings?" i asked confused.
"that's the thing. they knew they weren't soulmates. but kamanari was really in love with her."
"that sounds rough.." was all i could say in response. i've been insecure about my string for ages. one time i almost cut it.. it's like banishing yourself from love forever. and i almost did it. i was so curious that i had to ask.
"do you.. do you have a soulmate?"

HEYY hi guys, i'm gar. and this is my first soulmate au!! i'm really excited. 899words including this. i hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! sorry if you shipped kamijirou :( be ready for the next chapter!

crimson contact (kiribaku SOULMATE AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu