"Leave him to me!" Oren-Vegeta grinned and flew over to Jiren.

Hearts released the gravity allowing the Grey to stand. As soon as he was up, Jiren took off at Oren-Vegeta.

"Oren may have stolen Vegeta's body but he has no chance of defeating Jiren," Mae scowled. She watched the two fighting below. She had to find a way to be free of Heart's grasp. As she was thinking of a plan her side flared up on pain. She looked down to see that Zamasu had stabbed her with a ki blade.

"You speak too much," Hearts laughed mockingly.

"Hearts! He's my prey!" Cumber yelled, grabbing their attention.

"You've done enough here, Cumber," Hearts replied. "Go to universe three now." He snapped his fingers and Cumber vanished.

Jiren continued to attack Oren-Vegeta until a blast cut through them. They both looked over and saw Kamin floating there. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Let me join in on the fun."

"Heh, alright," Oren-Vegeta smirked. They both sent energy blasts at Jiren.

Jiren blocked the attacks before landing on the ground. The two Tuffles landed in front of him. They looked at Jiren with smug looks. Both were eager to take on Jiren.

"I think it's time we give Jiren his wife back," Hearts smirked. He handed Mae over to Zamasu who grabbed her by the hair. Zamasu descended to the ground, Mae in hand. He held her up towards Jiren.

"Let her go," Jiren scowled.

"You don't get to order a god around," Zamasu replied. He drove his fist into the wound on her side making Mae scream in pain.

"Jiren...it's fine..." Mae gasped. She cried out again as Zamasu thrust another blade through her shoulder.

Zamasu threw her against the ground with disgust on his face. Mae wiped the blood from her mouth and stood up. As she went to attack Zamasu, Oren-Vegeta grabbed her by her neck.

"I don't think so," Oren-Vegeta laughed.

Jiren glared at the enemies in front of him. His anger rising from how they hurt her. He would defeat them all and he would save Mae. As Zamasu went for an attack he easily dodged and countered. Zamasu blocked with his forearm and went in for another attack. Again Jiren dodged and went to strike. Zamasu narrowly avoided the attack but Jiren still managed to graze him.

"How dare you touch a god with your filthy hands," Zamasu glared at Jiren.

"Zamasu!" Trunks yelled bringing his sword down.

Zamasu jumped back avoiding the saiyan. Oren-Vegeta held a hand out and blasted Trunks. "Stay out of it!"

That was Mae's chance. While he was distracted with Trunks she drove her elbow into Oren-Vegeta's side. He lost his grip on her so he quickly blasted her sending her crashing into a pile of rubble. He nodded at Kamin and took off after Trunks.

As Trunks went to stand Oren-Vegeta placed his foot on his back and grabbed his hair. "You're done," Oren-Vegeta laughed. He formed an energy ball to kill Trunks.

Mae sat up, her body aching with pain. Kamin came rushing for her. Mae powered up to super saiyan and avoided the attack. She blasted Kamin into a wall before appearing next to Jiren.

"Are you alright," He asked, keeping focus on Zamasu.

"Fine," Mae nodded, her side and shoulder was screaming but she decided to ignore it.

Just as Oren-Vegeta went to land the finishing blow to Trunks a bright light came down. When the light faded Goku and the Grand Priest were standing there. Zamasu's eye widened in shock at the sight.

"Goku?" Jiren too seemed surprised.

Goku flew forward at an immense speed. He punched Oren-Vegeta back and grabbed Trunks. There was a silver glow surrounding him and his eyes were silver. He held Trunks in his arms and looked at the Grand Priest.

"Oh?" The Grand Priest tapped his chin. "Well then, take care of this as you see fit." With that he vanished from universe eleven.

"I knew it," Trunks smiled. "You're still alive."

"Heh, your late, Dad!" Mae smirked.

"That power," Zamasu gasped. "It can't be."

"So it's godly then," Hearts remarked.

As Zamasu went to attack Goku, Mae and Jiren blocked his path. "I don't think so," she glared.

"Together then?" Jiren asked her as he punched Zamasu back.

"Yeah," Mae nodded.

Oren-Vegeta burst from the rubble and glared at Goku. "What's your deal? You're pissing me off!" He let his power spike as he flew to attack, Goku brought his fist up and delivered an uppercut to Oren-Vegeta's jaw. As he was sent flying back he sent energy blasts at Goku.

Goku easily dodged the blasts and ran forward. He punched Oren-Vegeta hard in the chest knocking the Tuffle from the saiyan prince's body. Kamin took that opportunity to try and attack both Goku and Vegeta. Goku held a hand up and blasted her back as well.

Vegeta was out of breath on his knees. He looked up at Goku who was scowling up at Hearts. He was the one Goku needed to take on. Hearts stared back at Goku with a grin on his face. He was eager to see how this fight would turn out.

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