12) it's personal

Start from the beginning

"I'll keep that in mind." She winked. Dad and I had a coffee together, not much conversation passing between us. After, I cleaned our cups out and went back to the back door.

Before I walked off to carry on with the day, I took note of dad still standing at the dining room threshold, that distant gaze skimming over the rolling hills, deep in thought. It aged him. The way that he seemed to slip off into another world, arms folded, chin tipped up and no focus in his stare, it made him seem old and delirious. Which scared me because he'd never not been strong and aware and it was hard to watch him go from active and fit to dottery and vulnerable.

"You sure you're good, pops?"

"Yeah son. Go on and head off. I'm fine."

"Do you— uh— wanna come down and see Lavender? She's coming along nice."

He almost seemed to think about it for a moment and I felt hopeful until Addie side stepped out from behind him and stood on the deck between us.

"Morning, sir," she smiled. Her hair was damp now, falling down to her back, leaving little damp patches on her white tank top. She was wearing jeans too, which was a first. But it didn't change the desire I had to stare because they fit her curved hips like a second skin.

"Ah good mornin darlin," dad grinned.

"Thank you for letting me stay here for a little while," she said and tucked her damp hair behind her ear.

"Stay as long as you want darlin. We've got enough room. Can I give you a job to do each morning?"

"Oh. Of course."

Dad pointed at the garden beds. "Water and check for weeds? It's getting a bit tough on my back to bend down and give it a thorough check."

Addie's brows shot up. "You're the one that maintains the garden beds?"

"You seem surprised?" Dad wandered toward the edge of the deck and held the railing, Addie stood beside him and I couldn't help but watch how her cheeks blazoned a dark red when she thought that she'd offended him.

"Not surprised just—"

"My wife used to tell me that it was her favourite thing about me. A man's man that had gentle tender taste in flowers. Her words. Odd thing to love about a man but it was an added bonus to have her approval."

Addie didn't say anything but she did watch him with a soft smile, listening and focused as if I wasn't even here. I couldn't tell if that was disappointing or if it made me admire her more.

"You have it," he turned to Addie and his grin was all knowing.

"Have what?" She asked.

"Green fingers. You'll take great care of those flowers."

It wasn't unusual for dad to speak in riddles and make observations that came out of left field and made little sense. But he wasn't often wrong and I could tell that Addie appreciated his confidence in her from the stunned smile that she wore as she looked out over the garden.

Without another word, he gave a gentle nod and winked at me before heading inside.

"Hope you don't mind being assigned a job within the first half hour of being here," I laughed and stood beside her.

"Of course not. I'm glad that I have something to do. I won't feel like a freeloader."

"So, flowers? You into them?"

She nodded. "Well, I had a ton of house plants back at home. Obviously Beverly Hills is a lot of city and pavements and roads. Yeah we have trees and some local gardens and that sort of thing but nothing like this."

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