Chapter 15: Surprise at the gala

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On the next day, it's the day of the gala and I'd like to stay in bed and just sleep and read all the day, but Maya and Chloe start to disturb me, and prevent me from sleeping much longer. They pull my sheets away and shout: " It's time to party, get up !"
I could already kill them, and the gala didn't even start yet.
"First, it's not exactly time to party until 10pm, and second, do you really think I'd care missing an event I can't describe different than a waste of time ?"

They turn silent, of which I am very grateful, but as soon as I can enjoy it, they start annoying me again.
I can't sleep much longer so I get up and stroll to the bathroom, wishing I could renter my dream of flying over the city. Making a mental note to search for lecture about lucid dreams in the library later, I enter the dinning hall, hearing every teenage Erudite I see, talking about the gala. In fact, I did some research and studied every great scientist who is likely to attend this gala, just to not get caught in some kind of awkward situation, which apparently seems to be my hidden talent.

At breakfast, Maya and Chloe but Ruben and his friends too keep asking me about the gala, as if they wanted to annoy me more, even if I don't quite know if this is still possible. Luckily, my pancakes are eaten very soon and so I go to the library, planning to read the rest of the day off we got, before we'd be assigned jobs in the following days.

A couple of hours later, two hands close my eyes from my back and Maya wants to get me ready for the gala. "What else should we do ? I'm not likely to take half an hour to take on this stupid dress."
A little Make-up and hair-doing of course !", Maya yells excited. Besides the fact everyone in this library is watching us right now, I'm not sure what to answer. We return to our dorm and Maya pulls me, along with a big bag, into the bathroom.
Hundreds of different containers with who-knows-what inside are standing on the cupboard in front of us and according to Maya's reaction, my facial expression must be pathetic.
"You never tried Make-up, right ?", she asks and I thank her mentally to break up this awkward silence.
I simply shake my head and suddenly, Maya reaches out and grabs my face, starting to work on it. Praying for it to at least don't look like a puppet, I wait for ten minutes until Maya turns the mirror so I can look at myself.

"I have to say it looks better that I expected."
"Thank you.", Maya smiles with that bright smile she's known for.
My hair curled and my dress ironed, I'm standing next to Maya and Chloe, waiting for the elevator to open it's glass doors.
Stumbling forwards in a pair of Maya's high heels, I attend the big room alongside my three friends, carefully guided by a chuckling Chloe.
" Why would anyone bother to wear these for even one step ? I mean my Torus already hurt after like 100m."
" Get used to it, most Erudite women wear them."
"Honestly, they should be the ones knowing that they're damaging your whole feet.", logic doesn't want to hit my brain.
" I don't know, it just became standard someday."

With that we go on with getting to know friends of Chloe and Ruben. I'm drinking some orange juice, as it suddenly gets silent in the crowded room. I turn around from the bar and, through the crowd, I can spot a familiar,platin blond head, entering the room.
I'm still stunned as Jeanine Matthews enters the gala, greeting everyone. Maya walks up to me with a teasing,fierce smirk.
"Look who is raised from the dead. I bet she owes you know."
"Of course she doesn't. I rescued her because she could have died. Be grateful she's alright.", I don't even know why I'm defending her.
" Go to her. Say hello", Maya pushes me through the cloud.

After searching the whole room, I can't find her and as I'm going back to Maya and the others, I catch the light of the moon in the corner of my eye, coming from an open door, leading to a balcony. Standing at its railing, our leader is looking at the stars, alone.
I slowly approach her, hoping she won't remember me.
"Looks like you're better, Miss Matthews. "
She turns to me, who is now standing next to her at the railing.
"How would you know I ever was not ? Miss...?"
"North, my name is Sephora North."
" Miss North ?"
Well, I couldn't I come up with a more awkward way of small talk, but I'm hurrying to think of a story , I can tell her.
"I. I uhm heard people talking about you wouldn't come tonight so I assumed you were ill."
"You should know, Miss North, people are telling all kinds of things and they are barely true. So keep focusing on yourself."
Just made things worse, nice job !
"Sure, I will.", I start to understand why people keep telling she's not a human, but a machine now. Her way to speak, her body language; everything is cold and reduced to its minimum and her words are all carefully chosen.
After some time, I ask: " Do you think someday, we are going to fly to the moon or travel to the stars ?"
" It wouldn't be surprising if we'd reach out for the next step of colonising our environment."
Again, just a few words describing everything, she has to say.

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