Chapter 14: Suits and dresses

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|Credits of the Picture goes to the Wonder Woman movie |

The next day, we are woken by our fellow initiants who are jumping through our dorm, jelling and dancing.
„What's going on ?", Chloe asks still a little sleepy.
„I don't know", I hear from Maya in the bed next to me. I turn around and get nearly blinded or at least, it feels like that.

The sun's up and that is still a little new to me, being used to get up before sunrise everyday. We get ready quickly and take breakfast, still hearing some initiants , being noisy and a few seconds later, are asked to be quiet by older Erudite.
As I see Ruben looking at his phone, I get over to him and ask what's goin on. He answers:" You
haven't heard off it ? The leadership has announced to host a gala to celebrate to end of initiation."

"That's awesome !" Maya yells and jumps up.
" Come on, we have to go shopping.", Maya pulls Chloe and me with her before we can say anything.
She takes us to Erudite Arcades and half an hour later, I find us sitting in a gown-boutique and Maya trying on dresses. She runs through the whole store and picks up dresses with various patterns. She placed us as judges and asks for our opinion for every dress she tries. At the end, she can't decide so she pulls Chloe through every pile of dresses and searches a dress for her. I never had a great taste, why I just say "that's good", or " try something different", from time to time, but as Maya comes for me, I jump back and finally decide to say something.

"Listen Maya, I understand you're excited and everything is alright, I assure you, but please, don't waste your time on me. I just need to process the story with Sora and I REALLY don't want to go to this gala. I've never worn a dress either, nor can I dance. I can't even see a reason for the leaders to host a gala, I mean seriously, haven't they gotten better things to do, such as finishing some weird serum or stuff like this ? They are the ones that thought us to ever use our time wisely."
I'm a little out of breath as I finish, but everything I said was true. Maya looks like she knows this too but as she finally says something,she is
still trying to convince me.
"If you have to process stuff, you should get yourself distracted, best done by a big party."
"Please. I really don't want to celebrate now.", I tell her, maybe a little to harsh.

"Maybe we should at least try a dress on you ?", Maya asks, still not even showing the littlest signs of letting her plan down. Looks like she really wants us three on that gala. „It's like I said; I've never worn a dress in my life."
„You're not going to get away without at least trying a dress.", Maya says and the smirk on her face is creeping me out.
„Okay, even if I'd be better with a suit.", I finally agree, hoping I won't regret it.

Twenty minutes later, we already tried three dresses and I don't know, how people could enjoy walking in these for more than an hour.
„This suits you perfectly.", Maya declares after I exited the changing cabin in a royal blue wrap dress.
„But I'd like a suit better to be honest."
The dress is slightly more comfortable as the others we've tried and I have to say that I kind of like it. We don't have time to try a suit and so I buy the last dress and we go back home.

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