Gar didn't waste a second and picked up the shot drinking it instantly. Though his moment of confidence was gone as full affect of the alcohol set in causing him to choke in disgust.

"Or not." Kory said with a giggle as she took another shot with me. "Why are you drinking?"

"These have been a very stressful couple of days." I replied in disbelief because now all I wanted was to go back to the way my life was before this whole Rachel problem began. Though admittedly I've experienced crazier and weirder, this whole little trip only served in confusing me and causing me emotional trauma. "Anyway you're the one who bought all these shots. Now we have no choice but to drink them."

"Yeah I was hoping to get you drunk enough so that you could spill all your dirty secrets." Kory admitted as she pushed another shot my way. "Or maybe you can loosen up forget about Dick and pay attention to the guy who has been staring at you for the past hour."

I looked up then and followed Kory's eyes towards the man seated in the corner. Although I did my best to hide the slight disgust and disinterest that I felt, I clearly failed as Kory began to giggle.

"Not your type?"

"I have standards Kory." I whispered as I leaned back against the seat knowing that I really should stop drinking as my mind was beginning to become a little fuzzy. Apparently Gar was feeling the same effect after one shot as he rested his head on my shoulder instantly falling asleep. "Already?"

"That boy cannot handle his alcohol." Kory commented as a smile tugged on her lips.


Looking out towards the old farm house I did my best to avoid my distaste. Having grown up in the city a country setting wasn't very appealing, even if it seemed peaceful. An maybe it was the peaceful quality to this place that brought me unease.

"You really have to teach me how to use this thing." Gar commented as we all approached the farm house. I turned around to face Gar who was holding my whip in has hands looking at me excitedly.

"How did you get that?" I questioned as I took the whip from his grasp and wrapped it around my arm. Though I had to admit that I was slightly impressed that he looked through my things without my noticing.

His smile slowly faded as his features became something that almost bordered fear and concern for himself. "I may have looked through your things in the car."


"I did." He corrected sheepishly as we entered the old home following after Angela who looked around the place fondly. "I did look through your things."

When Kory and Rachel entered the house there was a set determination on their faces as they looked between the three of us. "I'm going to help Kory get her memories back."

None of us argued, although I personally didn't completely understand Rachel's powers or where they came from I did know that she was extremely powerful. Maybe more powerful than any of us, my only reservation was the fact that it seemed that Rachel didn't completely understand her powers either. Regardless I believed in her.

Gar, Angela, and I watched as Rachel placed her hands on both sides of Kory's head, a long moment passed where nothing happened. We had no other choice but to remain silent in fear of breaking Rachel's concentration when a familiar orange glow began to radiate off of Kory.

Before any of us had a chance to fully process this Kory had her hand grasped tightly around Rachel's neck as she cried out in pain. It was Gar who reacted first as her ran up to Kory and Rachel.

Againts all Odds || Dick Grayson [1]Where stories live. Discover now