Thugs - Kidge.

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Voltron city a town of thugs in one way or another. Some are more mean and evil then others but all follow the rules. 

1- no UN needed killing.

2 - no fighting in safe points inside someone home.

2 - only good gangs work during the day.

3 - all bad gangs do work at night. 

4 - no gang wars that pull the whole city in. 

5 - no attacking non thugs.

6 - must only be in one gang at a time meaning no going undercover in another gang. 

7 - Females and Males are equal .. dont be a monster either way. 

8 - families are kept untouched by other gangs and no joining a gang until your sixteen.

These eight rules keep the town of thugs in a simple peace. 

Yes 90% of the town people were in a gang but it was still a liveable town for everyone.

You had normal work during the day and non dangerous gangs hanging around during the day.

Why the more dangerous and underground works happened at night. 

All gangs could live around each other and didnt need to be shooting each other every five minutes. Plus children was kept from gang life and was given their own choice to join a gang or not. 

But you still had high school thugs and all gangs knew to keep an eye out for future members they might want. 

Everyone gang knew what two school to look at for future gang members. 

Altea high that had good types of thugs that fought but mostly to help others.

Then you had Galra High full of the worse types of thugs.

A Certain three students made a name for themselves in gangs as they were the strongest in Glara high and all gangs were after the strongest in their future leaders. 

Number one was a kid named keith.

Number two was a kid named Katie but her enemies knew her as pidge.

Number three was a kid named Lotor.

They were the best fighters and never lost unless fighting each other. All three was sixteen and made a name for themselves since all students in Galra high feared the top three. 

And Yet you still get idiots asking for a fight or trying to defeat them but they never did. 

Most didnt know but the top two students were always together, they claimed the roof and always handed out together. Before school they meet up at their normal tree and walk to school together fighting any students from other schools on their way. Spent every school moment together unless one needed a bathroom then one would wait outside. After school they hanged together in a tree and jumping down to fight if anyone came looking for them. 

They were good friends and didnt need to speak to understand the other. 

They had a special bond and both only needed the other in their life. 

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