Dont Cheat - Plance.

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"you got your laptop, warm cosy PJs and charger" Lance asked his girlfriend who stood in their living room a small suitcase beside her.

"yes i do lance, you helped me pack everything then you repacked it again this morning remember" Pidge smiled at her boyfriend since he always like this when she would be sleeping out for a night.

"dont cheat" Lance pouted as he looked to his girlfriend with worry.

"lance I'm not going to cheat, dont forget your the flirt in this relationship" Pidge sighed. 

"i know but what if you meet a guy who way better then me" Lance frowned.

"lance your the best boyfriend in the whole world and i love you more then i could love anyone else .. please dont think so low of yourself" Pidge smiled sweetly and placed a small soft kiss on her boyfriend lips.

"but what if other guys start hitting on you or try to get you in bed .. your the most beautiful and most wonderful girl ever pidgin dont forget that and I'm worried i could lose you to another" Lance siad with worry and Pidge blushed a little at her lover compliment. 

"thanks but you dont need to worry I'm only going to the garrison for a meeting with the blades and keith gonna be there with me remember" Pidge smiled.

"how can i trust keith to keep the guys away, he like a child himself" Lance sulked and crossed his arms.

"he not the only man child i know but you know keith wouldn't let a guy keep hitting on me even if reject them and he make sure to keep any guy that gets too close to back off for good. Anyways I'm not the best type of girl that all guys want, so i dont anyone will notice me in that way" Pidge smiled slightly.

"dont think like that pidgin, your the best girl anyone could ask for and if they dont see the beauty i see then they blind" Lance smiled softly and placed a hand on his girlfriend cheek pulling her into a loving kiss.

"thanks lance, i be back by lunchtime tomorrow, so why dont we go shopping for snacks and then order take out while watching moves on the couch all cuddle up" Pidge smiled softly and lance grinned.

"deal" Lance smirked and pidge giggled.

"i love you and i make sure to call once i arrive at the base and before i go to bed" Pidge smiled and picked up her small suitcase.

"love you more, I'm gonna miss you pidgin" Lance smiled softly.

"i miss you more .. see you tomorrow" Pidge smiled and walked out the door.

"dont cheat" Lance yelled before the door closed. 


"wait so he still begs you not to cheat, he does know he the flirt right" keith asked with a worried look as he and pidge enter the flat since the morning meeting was canaled meaning she could go back to lance early morning now and let keith come along to visit until his ride came at lunch time. 

"Lance I'm back" Pidge called with a sweet smile as she closed the door behind her.

"maybe he still asleep, unlike us he didnt have to get up super early just to find out the meeting been cancelled" Keith sighed.

"i go check the bedroom, starting making our cuppas please" Pidge smiled and keith nodded while he went to the kitchen area and pidge walked to the bedroom. 


"lance baby" Pidge whisper with a soft smile as she opened the bedroom door but froze.

"LANCE" pidge hissed as she looked to her naked lover in bed with a fellow naked lady next to him. 

"hmm, pidgin your back" Lance cheered and jump out of bed running towards her but stopped as she pushed her hand out.

"dont just dont" Pidge hissed.

"everything ok OH GOD MAN PUT SOME PANTS ON DUDE EW" keith siad with worry before yelling as he came to a sliding holt behind pidge.

"keith" Lance asked puzzled. 

"dont cheat my ass .. you fucking bastard" Pidge yelled and slapped Lance before pushing past keith and grabbing her handbag before slamming the front door.

"why is she so mad, why are you here" Lance asked a little sleepy.

"dude your naked and there a naked chick in your bed .. what did you do last night" Keith replied and lance looked down before turning to the bed.

"what did i do last night" Lance yelled with worry.

"just get dressed and wake her" Keith sighed before walking to the front room. 


"so" Keith asked with his arms crossed.

"what happened last night, all i remember is getting a call from Romelle saying she got lost and was waiting at a pub .. i went to find her to help her find the hotel she was staying at" Lance mumbled as he tried to remember last night. 

"oh right Romelle was coming down, she did drop by the garrison and gave us altean alcohol .... wait you didnt drink right" Keith started to say before turning worried.

"oh i think i took a sip since i really missed pidge and the flat seemed so cold without her cuddle beside me" Lance frowned.

"dude altean alcohol is way more stronger then earth alcohol just want glass gets shiro wasted, half a glass would get you super wasted since your a normal drinker" Keith sighed.

"then i must have gotten drunk then cheated on pidge since i was feeling lonely ... oh god what have i done .. i dont wanna lose pidge or hurt her and now i did this" Lance started to freak out.

"we didn't fuck so calm down" the girl sighed as she walked fully dressed.

"then why were you in his bed naked" Keith asked turning to the women.

"look i tried picking him up for a fun night but he was so demanded on staying loyal to this pidge chick and wouldn't let any girl get near him but it was clear he was wasted out of his mind .. so i helped him home after he nearly had his wallet stolen for the fourth time ... once i got him here he started stripping and jumped in bed but as i tried to walk away he pulled me down but let go once he mumbled something about not being pidge ... then i fell asleep" she replied.

"but why were you naked" Lance asked.

"i didnt have any clothes so during the night i must have stripped to keep my clothes decent for this morning .. you wouldn't have been my first one night stand if you didnt reject me" the girl replied and walked out the flat.  

"so i didnt cheat ... i need to tell pidge ... i can still be with her and make her happy" Lance cheered and ran out the flat with joy while looking for his girlfriend.


"i understand you love him and you were hurt but why are you still crying" Keith asked since pidge was back all happy with lance but while he took his shower she started to cry.

"i tripped on the stairs and grazed my knee on the metal .... it stings like hell" pidge groaned and keith chuckled.

"so let me guess you stopped crying for lance shake since everyone was good now but the pain still throbbing" Keith asked and pidge nodded. 

"lance pidge is hurt" Keith yelled.

"hold on pidgin I'm coming" Lance yelled and they heard him slip in the bathroom.

"enjoy and your welcome" Keith smirked before leaving. 

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