Just A Dream - Kidge.

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In a school playground sat a six year old trying to hold back her tears trying to stay strong. She had grazes on her hands and mud on her bum from where she was pushed over by the bullies in her class. 

She was smarter then she should for her age but shorter then she should be. This made her seem as a freak to the children in her class and gave them the perfect chance to bully her over being a freak. 

The little girl wanted to act brave and held back her tears becuase she wanted to be as strong as her brother and he never cried over being pushed over. But then again she doesn't ever remember him ever talking about being bullied. But then who would bully her brother .. he loved by everyone even if he super smart. 

She tried to stand up but the other children just pushed her back down while laughing. Some yelled mean things at her and the girl just wanted to hide up and cry. 

"leave me alone" She yelled back in her high girly voice making the children laugh more. 

She watched as the leader of the pack lift his hand to slap her and closed her eyes as tight as she could hoping it wont hurt as much if she didnt see. But before she could feel anything she heard him yelp. 

The little girl opened her eyes and looked to fight another boy pining the mean bully to the ground. 

She watched amazed as someone stood up for her but soon felt bad as the teachers came running over yelling at him for fighting.

"he was helping me" the little girl yelled as she watched the teachers only yell at the boy who heled her.

"not now Katie" the teacher sighed but Katie wasn't going to give up. 

"he saved me" Katie huff and stood up running over to the boy, he seemed a year older but she didnt care as she stood in front of him.

"Katie ... just look at you .. your all muddy" the other teacher frowned at the sight of her.

"I'm muddy becuase they pushed me over and he came to help .. he saved me he an hero" Katie spoke proudly and the older boy looked at her with shock.

"but Katie .. he should know not to fight after all he could have injured the boy more by being a" the teacher started to say as she turned to the different spices student. 

"he a hero nothing more nothing less" Katie spoke with pride and held the boy hand shocking him more but he soon smiled at her.

You see this boy wasn't a normal boy. He had light purple skin and cute fluffy ears on his midnight black smooth hair. His eyes were a light purple with a yellow outline. He was part galra and most hated him just for not being fully human. He was an outcast but the government couldn't just lock him up since he broke no laws. He went to school just like every other student. 

"Katie dont make me call your parents" the teacher warned and the boy tensed at the thought of the girl, the first person to ever protect him or even touch him would get in trouble over helping him.

"go ahead .. my parents would spoil me rotten for standing up for someone you were treating wrongly .. those boys bullied me and he helped me .. in the eye of the law they are in the wrong not him .. now are you sure you want to call everyone parents tell them that you wrongly acted and let naught boys go" Katie spoke with a smirk and dangerous eyes, amazing the boy next to her. 

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