Day 9: The Beauty

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Pye: Glad the assholes gone–

Brown: –look behind my back every time–

Tetch: –down the rabbit hole, the bat and I always fell–

Lawton: –always seemed to avoid my shots, no matter how good of a shot–

Elliot: –every time, he beat us into a pulp and dropped us here, silenced and locked–

Day: –speak for all when I say that I am happy to have a year without the batman.

Cobblepot: WAUGH!

October 25, 2018. Arkham Asylum.

Tom Kane leaned back in his chair, smiling to himself as the words of the inmates spilled from his phone and reverberated around the room. How easy it was to get them to talk. All he had to ask was one simple question and they all spilled their guts so easily.

It was just what he was looking for. The kind of thing to put him back on the map. And he sure as hell needed to boost.

Why else would he spend all day in an insane asylum, stuck in a box, listening to criminals and psychos? He didn't care about them. In fact, it made him feel nauseous just being here. Sure, he had a theory to prove, but that didn't mean he liked the psychos that occupied Arkham. But his partner had insited that they needed actual recordings of the inmates and since he was sick with the flu, Kane had drawn the short straw.

While he didn't care about the criminals, he did care about the connection they all shared: the big bad batman. The one who everyone except for them saw as a danger to society.

They provided the firepower he needed, the information he needed.

And there was just one more psycho he needed to talk to. The one who maybe able to give him the most damning statement.

The interview rooms door opened with a screech of metal. Kane turned towards the sound, a feeling of excitement filling his body.

The man the large guard brought in didn't seem like much. He was tall, built like a number two pencil, with messy brown hair that stuck out at odd angles. Almost like straws.

He pushed a pair of glasses up his nose with his handcuffed hands, taking in the smiling interviewer before him.

The guard strapped him to the table, making sure he was okay before simply nodding at Kane and leaving.

He didn't need to say anything. Kane knew the drill: ten minuets. That's how much time he was given with each criminal.

Clearing his throat, he started a new audio log, beginning the recording and the final session.

Kane: Hello, Mr. Crane. My name is Tom Kane. I'm here to ask you a few questions for a podcast I'm doing. Just a few simple questions.

Crane didn't say a word. He simply sat there, looking around the room like Kane wasn't even there. Kane cleared his throat and drove right on, pen ready to take notes.

Kane: Now, I've asked a lot of... people today the same question and I'm gonna ask you it now. A few weeks ago, the Batman's identity was revealed and he vanished from Gotham, probably never to be seen again. With him gone, how do you feel in his absence?

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