Day 3: Appetizer

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October 7, 1991. Bimini, The Bahamas

The doctor hummed as he worked, cutting through the tough meat like it was warm butter. The meat was tougher than most meats the doctor had prepared, but it didn't matter to him.

Over the years, he'd learned that work always brought rewards. Some bountiful and worthwhile. Others, small yet satisfying nonetheless.

This would be one of the more worthwhile meals the doctor has made.

He cuts the meat and vegetables with passion, slicing the meat into little pieces and placing them into a pan, already full of melted butter.

The vegetables, a garden mix of mushrooms, carrots and onions, are cut with the same love and added to the sizzling meat. The smell that fills the large, ornate kitchen would have made anyone salivate.

The doctor smiled, breathing in the wonderful smell of meat frying. It was a smell he would always enjoy. A smell he would never tire of.

It always made his mouth water.

After stirring for several minutes, the food seemed cooked well enough. The doctor brought a spoonful of meat and veggies to his lips, tasting his meal.

He had an excellent palate, refined after many years of dining on many different kinds of meats and meals. It was a hobby of his, one that he'd made into quite the profession.

The meat practically melted in his mouth it was so tender. The veggies added a nice balance that exploded nicely against his tastebuds.

And yet... it was missing something. Something that would give it a little kick of flavor.

The doctor frowned, tapping the spoon against the pan. For a minute, he couldn't put his tongue on what was missing. On what he should add.

When the ingredient came to him, he laughed at how obvious it was.

After searching through several cabinets and pantries, the doctor finally found what he was looking for: a nice bottle of aged chianti.

Uncorking the bottle and letting breathe for just a moment, he poured a little onto the pan. A small pillar of flames shot up then died down almost instantly.

The spoon took another sample, bringing the food back to the good doctors lips. It tasted so good, so delightful, the doctor let out a strange slurp of excitement.

To him, it was a sign of pure happiness.

To anyone else, it was the sign of a madman.

He was just about to put the bounty on a plate when the phone started to ring.

From the dining room, a series of loud thuds shook the house, like an elephant trying to stand.

"Don't worry, I'll get it!" The doctor called out. The thumping continued as the doctor crossed the kitchen to the nearby phone, picking it up with ease.

"Hello, may I help you?"

The voice on the other end was silent for a moment, obviously confused.

"Hello?" The doctor said again. "May I help you?"

"Yes..." the voice said again, thick and heavy with an accent the doctor couldn't quite place. "This is Officer Quincy. I'm looking for Dr. Chilton. Is he there?"

"Oh, I'm afraid you just missed him." The doctor crossed the kitchen, returning to his meal preparations. "Frederick just left. Went into town to get a few things for dinner. Not sure when he'd be back or what store he went to."

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