Hizashi sighed. "Shota never spoke to me after that incident." He shrugged, glancing at the other man guiltily. He had messed up bad before. Really bad.


Hizashi had to admit, he had a crush on his polar opposite for a long time in high school.

At first, he found the tired teen to be interesting and just wanted to get to know him more.

Shota was always staring blankly into space during a boring class, then suddenly jotting something down in his notebook before staring again. Sometimes, Hizashi couldn't tell if he was just sleeping with his eyes open.

So, being the curious and hyperactive teen he was, he annoyed the hell out of Shota.

He asked questions about what he was writing down, what he was thinking instead of listening to the teacher, and other useless questions he didn't exactly remember the answers to.

"You're a writer?" Hizashi asked, peering over his glasses and at Shota's notebook. A rush of air blew into his face as Shota slammed his notebook shut. "Hey!"

"Yeah, I'm a writer. Like you and everyone else. We all write," Shota said sarcastically. "Go away."

"What are you writing?"

Hizashi would not stop asking him questions, and soon, Shota gave up and answered them in hopes he would run out.

That didn't happen.

"Can I read it?"

Shota immediately shook his head. He wouldn't let anyone read whatever was in his notebook except Toshinori, whom Hizashi has been friends with.

Eventually, Hizashi found out more about Shota through him. "You two were dating?"

It had been a bit too loud, apparently, as Toshinori shushed him. It was lunch time, and they were sitting alone, a few tables away from where Shota sat. "We were. It didn't work out well and we broke up but we still get along."

Hizashi could tell he was a bit uncomfortable, but to him, it made him excited and relieved. "Gee, that's one problem solved. I thought he might be straight!"

The befuddled expression Toshinori gave him would have made Hizashi embarrassed at the randomness of his words, but he could care less at that moment.

"Sounds like someone has a crush." Another voice interrupted their conversation. It was Nemuri, with a mischievous smile on her face as she sat down next to Hizashi.

"What? No, I was just wondering about him," Hizashi quickly denied. "What he writes and stuff."

"Sure," Nemuri teased. She nodded at Shota in the distance. "Shota's either gay or bisexual. I asked. You'd have a chance!"

"Nemuri!" Hizashi reddened. Shota would definitely despise someone who nonstops annoys him.

The next day, Nemuri made a proposal after school. Shota was packing up slowly, and the rest of the classroom was empty apart from him, Hizashi, Nemuri, and Toshinori.

"If I call him over you ask him out."

Nemuri started towards him before Hizashi could process her words. Toshinori chuckled. "You're screwed."

Insecurities [Shota Aizawa x Hizashi Yamada]Where stories live. Discover now