Chapter 24 ~ Masbourian

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I'm the first one in the office and I immediately get started on finding any clues with the new resources I have here. Quickly the rest of the team comes in, Emily rushing up to me and pulling me into a hug.

"Carter are you okay?" Emily asks.

No, I'm not okay Luna was taken.

"I'm fine, let's just find Luna. Or anything to lead us to her."

Derek and Emily nod in agreement and we get started on going over all the details we have pieced together of Anthony's past activity. I'm staring at a wall of items when my desk phone goes off. I pick up immediately.

"Hello, Carter, how are you?"

I gesture to Emily to trace my call as I listen to the gruff voice of Masbourian from the other end.

"No need to track me, you won't get anywhere. I'm just calling to inform you of how Luna is."

"Of course, you have something to do with this. When I find you, I will kill you."

Masbourian just laughs in his typical taunting form. I hate this man with a passion.

"Luna is as fine as someone can be for being chained to a bed. But as much as I enjoy your empty threats, here is a hint to where she is located. Dirty Dancing."

What the hell is this prick talking about?

"Love is strange, isn't it?"

A low growl leaves the back of my throat. That's the song Luna and I sang together at her aunt's house. He was watching us in Miami.

"No one puts Baby in a corner," he continues to taunt as his last words before hanging up on me.

With more force than necessary, I slam my phone back into its position and flop down into my seat. Not even a second later does Emily come running up to me with her laptop open, ready to show me something.

Hoping it's going to be something to bring us closer to Luna, I shift my attention to the screen only to feel my heart drop. Luna lays chained to a bed with Anthony hovering over her. There's nothing to take in from the footage to give us clues. It's just a small room with wood floors, walls, and nothing else but a bed.

It's live.

I pick up my phone and place the call to the number we have for Anthony. The number that's called Luna's phone 10 times in the past two days. Derek immediately begins to trace it.

"Hello?" The prick on the other end says.

"Where is she?"

He plays dumb. "Where is who?"

"Where the hell is Luna?" I growl.

The live feed continues to play in front of me. Luna lays tied to the bed in the same skirt she had on yesterday. She hates sleeping in her day clothes. She hates not taking a shower at least twice a day. And I know for a fucking fact she doesn't like to be tied up against her will.

"Luna can't come to the phone. Can I take a message?"

"Yes. Please tell Luna that after I bring her home, I'm going to hurt her ex-boyfriend, Anthony, so bad that he's going to wish he is dead."

He takes a deep breath then lets out a low grumble. "I don't like threats." He hangs up and we lose the trace.

With a deep huff, I lean back in my seat and look over at the picture on my desk. Last year Luna and I went to California to visit my friends. She said no at first because she didn't understand how I could ask her to go to California when I won't even go with her for Christmas. But after a few days, I convinced her to fly to the other side of the continent with me.

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