Taehyung abruptly pulled Chaeyoung closer so that their bodies will be touching. Then he slowly lowered his face close to Chaeyoung’s, leaving just an inch of space in between. He looked deep into her eyes, his gaze was unfaltering. Chaeyoung’s heartbeat started to grow rapidly as her knees begin to wobble.

“Babe, hush your heart. It’s beating so loudly, it can be heard from a mile away.”

“Pfft! Don’t act as if I’m the only one guilty here.” Chaeyoung jeered.

“You are right. I’m proudly guilty as charged.” Taehyung grinned.

Back to the present . . .

“Chaeyoung!” Taehyung called.

Chaeyoung responded with a blank stare.

“You zoned out for awhile. Are you alright?”

“Sorry. I’m just kind of stressed with work.” She fibbed.

“Is that so? Hmmm. If you don’t mind, can I take you somewhere?”


“It’s a surprise. Let’s go?” Taehyung said as he offered his hand out to Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung just stared at his hand then back to his face, refusing to hold his hand.

“Where’s your car?”

Taehyung felt a pang of disappointment from Chaeyoung’s outright rejection.

“Oh! It’s over there.” He answered, pointing to his car nearby.

As he was driving to their destination, Taehyung kept stealing glances from Chaeyoung. He was thrilled about being with Chaeyoung again after a while. He missed this sight, seeing her dozing off comfortably at the seat beside him.

“Taehyung! Keep your eyes on the road please!”

Startled, Taehyung quickly moved his attention back to the road.

“Sorry,” Taehyung chuckled. “I thought you were asleep.”

“I was trying to. But how do you suppose I sleep when you are boring a hole through my face.”

“Sorry. I was just afraid I may be dreaming right now. For a second or two, I even thought that you’re figure right there was just my hallucination.”

Chaeyoung opened her eyes and straightened up, having given up on catching some sleep.

“Why did you wake up? I was already determined to let you sleep and focus on driving. I swear I won’t disturb you ‘til we reach our destination. Go back to sleep.”

“Nah! It’s fine. I realized I don’t know where you’re taking me, so might as well try to remember the route and any possible landmarks.”

“Babe! We both know you’re not good with directions. Just give up already and take a rest.”

Babe! Did I hear him right? Seriously?! What is he thinking right now? Just because I agreed to go with him to “somewhere” doesn’t mean we’re together again. No! No way is it going to be that easy. That is if I will even consider it. Chaeyoung thought, unable to react to Taehyung’s earlier statement.

Then Taehyung added while trying not to stutter, “Oh no! I’m sorry. My bad. Sorry Chaeyoung. I didn’t mean to say that. It’s just that the atmosphere between us feels much better today . . .  so . . . I thought . . . I mean, I guess it was just my reflex. Sorry . . .”

“It’s okay. It’s okay! You don’t need to explain that much. I understand.” She smiled, trying to mask her brief shock earlier.

And the rest of the ride was filled with awkward silence. Both of them not wanting to be the one to break the ice, they each kept their mouth shut.

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