Baking or cooking?

-Baking, it's just easier

Which genre do you absolutely HATE? And what would the title of a story of this genre be if you were forced to write it?

- Probably fantasy or something, but some older fantasies are good, it would probably be called "The Long While" or something equally as vague, it would also feature the word "Kings" What do you want to/did you major in, in university? -Journalism/Media or Literature

Would you rather go to the Grammys or the Academy Awards?

-Academy Awards

You have to set your story in a country that isn’t your own, and isn’t the US or the UK. Where would you set it?

-Probably Russia, or something secretive like that.

Would you rather be an extra in a huge, blockbuster movie or have a character named after you in a self-published, unpopular book?

- Extra, though I wouldn't mind the other

What time period/place (e.g. middle ages, 12th century China, Ancient Egypt) would you like to live in and why?

- The Eighties, because I’d fit in

Are you an old soul or a young soul?

- Young soul, if you're talking age, still pretty young in beliefs too

What song annoys you more than anything else?

- Eye of the Tiger, because it is actually stuck in my head on repeat over and over

Pick your favourite movie character. Now recast them and explain why.

-Recast them in another movie or Recast them with a different actor? I'll do both, The character is Steve Rodgers, AKA Captain America, He'd fit in nicely in Spiderman probably, being like a mentor and stuff. As for the other actor, he'd probably be played by someone like a Young Mickey Rourke or something.

Pick your favourite book character. Now put them in a different book entirely (and explain why you would put them there).

Skullduggery Pleasant in Artemis Fowl, Just because they are my two favourite book series' and I’d like to see a crossover happen.

In the movie of your life, who would play you? - Brandon Routh

Quick: What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the word ‘Swamp’?


What is something that you do not understand AT ALL and you don’t think you ever will understand it?

- Nothing, if I put my mind to it I can understand a lot of things if I put my mind to it. Except girls, it's physically impossible for me to understand them fully

Have you ever been to Scandinavia?

-No, but I want too

Which is your favourite letter of the alphabet and why?

-Q, because it can't be without it's friend

Lucky number?

33, Because of my birthday.

What’s the physical feature people comment on the most?

- Shoulders probably, but glasses win over them.

Which of the ancient pantheons—Greek Mythology, Egyptian mythology etc.— do you find the most interesting?

-Norse, because of Frost Giants and stuff

What, in your opinion, is the most unrealistic thing about zombie movies?

-The actual zombies, they wouldn't run like that…

Insert a fandom:

‘Fans of Doctor Who would love my story!’

On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the world in your book? (Ten being a world that is completely horrible, one being a utopian heaven).


List a song that fits with the beginning third of your book, a song that fits the middle and a song that fits the end. (Basically, a three song playlist that sums up your book).

Not having a middle or end I’d have to say something classical, to pan over earth and stuff (Triv’s Note: Like 2001: A Space Odyssey? Epic!)

One of your characters can come to life; who is it and why?

Apollo, because he's basically the only one who is completely not based on someone I know

If you had to write the book from another character’s perspective (or from a character’s perspective full stop, if 3rd person) whose would it be and why?

- Apollo, being the title character, well, sub-title character

Paste your favourite quote from your story and explain why you love it.

"SERIOUSLY?! What was that?!" "I think you dislocated my wrist!" Because she clearly dislocated his wrist

Did you/are you writing this in correct order or just whatever scene you feel like should be written next?

- The book or these questions? Correct order both though

Guesstimate how many hours of planning you did before beginning to write this story.

Hours? 30 minutes tops, I’m a do-er, not a planner

Who, or what, is the main antagonist? Explain them. Are they evil, misunderstood or something else?

The main antagonist is Samuel. L . Jackson, like I’m going to give the antagonist away

Describe the most attractive character in the series: features, clothing and personality.

Attractive so far, Jack maybe, but only because I’ve written him in such a good light. Mykayla comes a close second though, even if she is a bit on the annoying side.

Which is the strongest in your story: setting, characters or plot?

Plot, but the characters are mostly real.

Who is the best couple in your story?

Apollo and Mykayla, though not in a love way, more in a working together kind of way

If you had to cut one main or main supporting character from your story, who would it be?

Jason, sorry, he's just the fourth wheel on the tricycle

Every character in the story comes over for a cocktail party at your house. What would happen?

My house would have a crazy man in it, and like 4 brain bots. There'd probably be a small fight, with lasers

Who would you want to play your main character, your main villain and your favourite character?

- Young Jeremy Renner (Hawk-eye from the Avengers), Samuel L Jackson and Young Jeremy Renner.

Interview With An Author: Quirky StyleWhere stories live. Discover now