Free Donuts

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It was donut day at work, yay! Or maybe just another opportunity to save money on breakfast. I always looked forward to donut day. As soon as I got to work I marched into the break room and grabbed a big fluffy donut with chocolate icing and sprinkles. Everyone mingled in the break room on donut day, it always put us in a good mood. As I took a big bite out of my donut I realized, Corey wasn't there. Surely he'd want a donut, (I'm not assuming based on his size, I'm assuming because of his donut pattern tie and donut shaped mousepad).

I walked over to his desk and said "Hey Corey, there's donuts in a break room"

"I don't want a donut" he said not turning around but also not sounding sure of himself.

"Well hm okay, they're from that little shop downtown though." I said trying to persuade him.

This time he turned around and said "Oh... well I mean—never mind no I don't want one" He didn't take his eyes off my dont the entire time.

I knew he was just being self conscious and anxious, so I had to persuade him"Well... okay then Corey. I'll just go back into the empty break room and just probably get another donut since theres lots left"

"Oh um... okay okay fine... just one tho!" He got up and walked with me.

We went into the break room and Corey picked out a chocolate glaze donut."This is the best fucking donut i've ever had in my life!"

"See? And you said you didn't want one!" I teased.

"I was just bein shy 'n stuff."

I stayed with him in the break room until he finished, and then we each went back to our cubicles. I noticed throughout the morning that Corey had actually returned to the break room repeatedly to sneak a donut until they were all gone. I'd seen him all 3 times and I'd hum to myself 'don't be suspicious dont be suspicious' as he hid behind cubicles and acted like he was getting water until he made it to the donuts. It was actually a little funny. On his third time our boss walked in and Corey pretended to be getting coffee, I guess he was embarrassed to be getting more donuts even though really no one was even paying him any mind. He poured it into a mug and took a big swig of the jet black coffee, wincing and spitting it out into a plant as soon as our boss left. It was like watching a child sneak cookies from the jar after mother said 'no'.

Later that afternoon, I was stressing about my rent being due. If I didn't come into money anytime soon I'd be evicted from my apartment with nowhere to stay. Scary thought. I quickly got over it and went to talk to Corey to get my mind off it, we were becoming pretty good friends actually.

"Donuts just really make the stress melt away you know?" I said with a sigh.

"I definitely know that much... maybe a little too much" he said as he looked down and covered himself with arms again. "But are you alright is something bothering you?"

I decided to tell him, "Yeah I haven't paid my rent in a crazy while and if something doesn't happen I'll be evicted with nowhere to stay"

Corey's face suddenly went to a compassionate worry, "Oh shit that's awful! Why don't you come stay with me? I've been thinking about getting a roommate anyway. I've got an empty guest room."

"Wait—really? You mean it?" I said hopefully.

"Well yeah sure! Wait, you're not allergic to cats are you?" He asked.

"No... why? Don't tell me you have like 50 cats Corey." I said, fearing the worst.

"Oh no no! Just the one. His name is KitKat, he's a big fluffy Himalayan." He said lovingly, then showed me a picture on his desk he had of KitKat.

I sighed with relief. "Aw he's so cute! And I love that sweater he's wearing it's absolutely adorable!" I laughed.

"That's his favorite sweater! I actually knitted it for him. I kinda got a lot of time on my hands." He laughed.

You know, I think of Corey as a young man probably my age (25) but sometimes I think he might be much older than I assume. After all, he does have a cat and knows how to knit. Maybe I'm just being silly.

"Oh—and I forgot to say. My mother likes to stop in a lot, and my sister is moving to this area so just a warning, my mother might randomly barge in with my bratty sister." Corey said nervously.

I was actually very excited about that, it was a chance to maybe get to know him more. I agreed and we said I'd move in the next week.

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