Chapter 1

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       The needle slid through the silk material that made up the outer layer of the billowing skirts she was forced to model for. In and out, out and in. Standing upon a raised pedestal Asa Shin watched the seamstress step back to admire her work. 

The gown she was fitted in for the past week occurred of a high neckline with shined pearls stretching across the entirety of the neckline. Pale violet silk and lace made up the several layers of the billowing skirts that hung just above her ankles. It was a dress fit for a princess, only that she doesn't think to be fit for a princess.

She is sick and tired of having to neglect her friends in order to fulfill her life long duties of walking in a straight line balancing  a stack of books upon her head. Okay, so that might be a little extensive but you get the picture. She doesn't want to try on luxurious ball gowns every little girl dreams of doing, or learn how to properly hand write the Royal Degree. Like every twelve year old out there she just wants to be able to play in the central lagoon, go to school and even dream about the outside world.

Everything is just wishful thinking at this point. Her mother, Queen Amaya Shin of the Aenon Kingdom, promises her every year on her birthday that she will be able to do everything she ever wanted. But of course those promises tend to become broken. Because what kind of child wants to be able to be free to play on their own free will? What silly thoughts.

The seamstress grinned with delight and put together her sewing needles and thread before leaving through the large oak doors. Soon after, a maid (also Asa's friend Hizashi) appeared and started to silently pick up the loose threads and material the seamstress left behind. Hizashi's fiery red hair was tied up in a loose ponytail today, which complimented the long black waist coat  she often wore with her family's crest embellished on the back of the coat.

"Another day of trying on gowns, I suppose." Hizashi said as more than a question, dropping a hand fold of thread into a small container to be re purposed later. Asa nodded and walked behind a tall screen, "and soon to be another one to come." she replied with an exasperated sigh,  hanging the gown on top of the screen. 

"I wish I could switch places with you, you're living the life, Asa." Hizashi told Asa, who returned from the screen wearing a deep violet light jacket with a light grey romper and boots that went to her knees. "If only..." she muttered back, facing her friend.

Changing the subject Asa informed quietly, "remember to meet Kaiyu and I at the academy for the coral reapings." The coral reapings was when graduated children of the Aenon academy get to reveal what weapon the Hearts of the Seas will bestow upon them. Asa shouldn't be part of the reaping, but it would be an experience she won't miss. And also, who would want to miss out on earning a free weapon?

"I will make sure to do so." Hizashi replied, her attention drifting towards a second story window. "Also, I believe your boyfriend is here to pick you up." Heat flared in Asa's cheeks, "he is not my boyfriend and you know it!" she protested  as she glanced up towards where Hizashi motioned to.

Kaiyu leaned against the oak beams that lined all the windows in the kingdom, his face scrunched up against the always clean window leaving fog outlines of his nose. His pale green hair stuck to his ears and cheeks as if he was just swimming. Asa rolled her eyes and opened the window below him and steadied herself on the window sill trying to glare up at Kaiyu.

"You know you're afraid of heights, so that's why I told you to wait at the academy!" Asa yelled up at the boy, who seemed to remember his own fear. He then plastered himself against the window, his eyes diverting down to the clear lake three stories down. "I got bored! Also Yoko was lecturing about the new book she rented from the library!" Kaiyu yelled back stuttering after a few words. 

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