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Giving Jungkook his shower was just like trying to give a dog a bath. He wouldn't stop trying to get out. Jimin is a small and not really that muscular man. Jungkook was a lot bigger than him so it was hard to keep him in place. Luckily he was able to clean him out and got him to sit on a chair facing the bathroom mirror.

"Okay.." Jimin mumbled as he pulled out a pair of scissors. "I really.. really need you to stay still.. please Jungkook.." he pled, holding the taller man's cheek. Jungkook didn't really understand what was happening so he just turned his head back to the mirror to let Jimin do whatever he needed to do. He trusted him. He liked the blonde boy.

Jimin took a deep breath and then snipped a few strands of hair from the back of Jungkook's head. Jungkook gasped and turned to look at Jimin with a deep growl emitting from his throat. The small blonde boy whimpered in fear, causing Jungkook to stop immediately. He turned around, in his head he decided he didn't want to scare Jimin.. and even if he was afraid of danger he'd sit still.

Jimin smiled at his work when he was done. He had to admit, he did a pretty good job. He was right. Jungkook was very handsome. Jimin sighed and pulled out a spare toothbrush, putting some toothpaste on its bristles and signaled Jungkook to open his mouth by putting his thumb on his bottom lip.

Jungkook didn't seem too pleased with the feeling of brushing but continued to let Jimin do what he was doing. When the blonde was finished he smiled brightly, causing Jungkook's heart begin to face. "Wah! Such a handsome guy.." Jimin praised as he allowed Jungkook to stand up. The taller man was already dressed in some clothes that Jimin's friend Taehyung left after his last visit.

Jungkook looked like a normal guy.. an attractive normal guy. Jimin blushed. Taehyungs clothes suited him. Taehyung was also a teacher. Luckily teaching at the same school as Jimin. They where insufferable as children and both dreamed of being teachers together. However at the thought of his friend the small males eyes widened, "work.." he mumbled as he picked up his phone, seeing it was 4:13 am already.

He pouted and sniffled. "How am I supposed to go to work on no sleep.. I.." he sighed. He had nothing he could do. Jungkook frowned and made a sound of disagreement at Jimin's upset face and grabbed his chubby cheeks, looking in his eyes with concern. The intense look on Jungkook's face brought a blush to Jimin's cheeks. "W-what is it Jungkook..?" He whispered.

"No." Jungkook spoke in a stern tone.

Jimin blinked rapidly, gulping as he understood that Jungkook didn't like it when he was sad. So he smiled instead. A big toothy grin that reached up to his cheerful eyes. The raven haired man's head tilted softly at the sight before his own lips started tugging upwards in an effort to mimic Jimin's appearance. Finally, the blonde was able to see it.

Jungkook's teeth poking out into a bunny smile, causing his eyes to crinkle. Jimin's eyes widened a little and his mouth fell open. He was mesmerized with Jungkook's smile. It was.. cute. Finally he shook off his thoughts and giggled, "okay big guy.. it's time to go to sleep alright...?" He asked softly, smiling a little.

Jungkook didn't respond, his smile fading back into his expressionless face as he leaned away from Jimin. The smaller male sighed but took Jungkook's hand, leading him to his room. They had to sleep in the same bed or else he wouldn't be able to watch the strange man to make sure he isn't making any trouble.

He pulled Jungkook to his room and gently pushed his chest to lay him down on his bed. "Alright Jungkookie.." he said, smiling to himself. "Time to sleep now, okay?" As he pulled the sheets up to cover the man's chest. He then slipped into the other side of the bed and curled into a little ball.

"G-goodnight Jungkook.." Jimin mumbled shyly, not used to goodnight's as he was given away by his parents at a young age. The story is sad.. but a true one. His parents left Busan when he was 16. They didn't want him anymore. They where tired of having him as a son.

It hurt Jimin but he understood why they where so disappointed in him as a son. His father expected to have a son that was his spitting image. He was a wealthy business man.. was a football player in highschool.. got married to the most beautiful girl in the school. He was the "perfect" man. So when he got a wimpy girly gay boy instead of the son he wanted, he was upset. Him and his dad never really got along.

His mother was always the picture perfect Christian lady. Going to church every Sunday to pray along with the priest. Well.. that may be an understatement. She was not a "good" Christian. She was not as loving as her god was supposed to teach her to be. It would be in insult to other Christians to call her the perfect Christian lady. Other than her blinding faith she was a loving mother. At least that's what Jimin thought.

After he came out to them they instantly shunned him for his feelings. His mother raving on and on about how he was going to hell and that he was knocking on the devils door. His father yelling about how he did not raise a pansy. The boy only stood there, sobbing with tears trailing down his cheeks. In anger his father slapped him. As hard as he could.

And that's the moment they decided to leave.. taking everything but Jimin with them. Erasing him from their lives as if he didn't exist and leaving him alone and afraid. The memory caused Jimin to cry, fat tears rolling down his cheeks. Jungkook let out a soft gasp I'm surprise when he saw the tears and grasped onto Jimin tightly, rubbing his face on Jimin's cheek with a panicked look in his eyes.


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