Chapter 11: The Brandon Palmers show

Start from the beginning

By the way it's looking I'm pretty sure that I'll never get answers or see his face again. Not only did he break my heart but he's going to leave a hole inside of me that will never be healed. The more I think about the situation the bigger the hole gets. It's depressing to admit but one day I'm going to disintegrate and all that's going to be left is an empty black hallow hole and by then it'll be too late to replenish to put me back together.

This has been a harrowing experience, the worst I've ever gone through and to know that it won't get better makes me want to crawl inside myself and die. I can't believe I came out of the darkness for this. I belonged in the darkness, we were becoming one. The darkness understood my pains and sufferings, it didn't soothe me but I could hate without guilt.

I let Kylie and Clara talk me into leaving my bubble of hatred promising me that it would get better. People fucking lie when they say it gets better, it doesn't and I was a fool to believe that it ever would. I can try to face reality, muster up the courage to face the world and be brave like my mother did after the divorce but unfortunately I can't. I'm too weary to try so for now I'll just wait and watch everything unfold before my eyes.



No one knows where Brandon Palmers is.

Principal Caldwell has the faculty hunting him down like a swat team. It's pretty funny to witness all the panic taking place today especially given the fact that it's only second period. There hasn't been this much excitement so early in the day since Laurie Fields poured her ice-coffee on Mrs. Diaz head in Spanish and that happened last year.

Rhiannon looked somber during first period like she's ready to turn herself in because everyone is accusing her.

Her friends on the other hand, couldn't care less.

The first half of first period they were reading comments about the flyers on Facebook laughing their heads off. McNabb had to ask them to leave. It's a good thing cyber bullying isn't in the student manual otherwise half the students at South Winston would be expelled.

No one knows for sure who Caldwell is going to pin for this since he's unaware of the break-up situation. His first plan of action is finding Brandon to discuss it with him so that way he can get potential names of the culprit and start his investigation.

When he starts narrowing it down, I know Rhiannon is going to be at the top of the list. I don't want her to get expelled for this and I'll probably never see her again and whatever slight chance I have with her will be out of the window.



"Whatever happens I'll take the blame for it," Clara says as she crunches on the remains of her lollipop.

"Don't be ridiculous," I say. "I'm not going to let you go down for this alone."

"I agree with Rhi," Kylie seconds. "We're all in this together."

"How long do you think it's going to take Caldwell to call us into his office?" Clara asks.

Kylie and I look at each other and shrug. As far as Principle Caldwell is concerned it could be anyone from the student body but the student body knows it's us three that are responsible for the flyer and its distribution. No one is running their mouths and legs to Caldwell's office to snitch because in some strange way they admire what we did. However, with that being said, they're not exactly being inconspicuous with their thoughts.

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