Daemon X Machina: make a name for yourself, Rookie.

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-we were...created...to destroy. ALL

After the battle in oval link most of the Reclaimers had branched off  doing their own things making life on earth more bearable for others who weren't outer. BG and Empress tried to find the, Rookie with little to no prevail. Who knows maybe the rookie made it out and everything's going to be okay. They're a hero and they don't even know it.

-2 weeks later.

"Four start up the usual."
"Affirmative- Alert. Pilot has begun to regain consciousness." AI four notified.
"Well-well. Welcome back to the land of the living Kiddo."
A pod about a normal human length had begun to drain out teal liquid from the inside. The pod itself had begun to pry open. From once a rookie pilot to a hero to a dead pilot. Rising from the dead again into a new birth.
"W-where am I?" Rookie asked sitting up from the where had been resting.
"Bullet works most outer Command post. How you feeling."
"E-empress!" Rookie spermatic responds caused a gag reflex, "I feel really sick..."
"Better than being dead." Gun empress openly joked. Though she was only an AI, Empress as many called her, acted mostly human.
"I didn't die? Did I?"
Attempting to recall the events of two weeks ago. The final  battle of the Dominator.

As the bullets had started flying the core of the oval link fell to pieces bit by bit. The dominator, a being of extraordinary power, fell by the hands of one Outer Pilot.
Rookie's Arsenal ripped apart each piece of the dominator like a predator ripping off flesh from it prey. Using its arc rifle to Stun the machine jamming its assault rifle into its arm pulling the trigger as the metal combusted. The rookies anger wasn't in his hands it was in its rifle. Sending down a rain full of lead on the final boss. Missiles flying on the battle field like fireworks cause more damage to the structure than the Dominator. As the final bullet left the Rookie's rifle so did their raging anger.
"You can't win Daemon...I'm!"
"Screw off Grief!" Rookie cut communication lines, throwing his rifle towards the Dominator. The blitz projectile peirce through the rifle. The grim reaper III exploded causing a brief smoke cloud. A small window of opportunity for Rookie to make the final move. Rising from the ashes Rookie's arsenal had broken through the Dominator's tight defenses. With Excalibur charged back grasped in his right hand, thrusting the throttle forward swing Excalibur down. Dominator had launch dark mantis to disarm Rookie's arsenal.
The moment was brief it was instant, Rookie acted on instinct. Tossing Excalibur to it's left arm, as the Dark mantis had completely purged the Arsenal's right arm completely, "my name IS!!!" With one swing with one attack. the Rookie had been engulfed in a radiant light.

"I see so you don't remember anything after that?" Empress questioned, with only a nod from the rookie was his response, "Well, not that I have much to tell you. After the battle no one was able to find you. Johnny G and Diablo were pretty heart broken about it. BG and I told them to give up. Not because we didn't care, but we needed them to fight in the mean time. Luckily BG found you on one of his "little night strolls". I was the first one he contacted. And whatever happen in the fight changed you for the most part. Four couldn't completely comprehend what happened to you. It was like your body had Altered itself internally and externally. Sorry I was getting off track here. As for your Arsenal it was practically melted outside in. When BG found you, you're body was going though those Alterations like I mentioned."
Empress's explanation had gone in one ear and put the other. Rookie couldn't follow along even if Empress had been dumbing it down.
"Am I recorded as KIA." Rookie asked looking at the outer suit that covered him like a sleeping bag.
"Yes." Empress stated little to no care with her words.
"Then let's keep it that way. Rookie the hero or some dumb thing like that. You said I'm practically altered externally. Now I need a new name. Something simple but not to bland, but what though?"
"You already said it," Empress laughed strolling up to Rookie holding out her hand for a hand shake, "Welcome to Your Battlefield, Alter."
"I need a new arsenal, Empress. Sorry for all the favors." Rookie laughed shaking Empress's hand standing on equal footing, "also thank you Four. Empress and BG May have found me, but I'm sure you did most of the work."
"Words of gratitude is not necessary. Are you ready to get back to work, Alter?"

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