Chapter Twenty

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I look over at Chip, his tail seemed to wag even though he wasn't an animal at the current moment. I always wondered how Chip stayed so happy in the worst of times; like how when we were stuck in Hydra.

All I know is that he's a better person than I am, that's for sure. A crushing headache raced through my head, then disappeared. It had been happening since Hydra and it has been only getting worse. Chip looked at me worried before I quickly put a smile on my face. "Hey, Chip, ever had a donut before?" I asked him as we walked. I look up to him to see a goofy grin on his face. I didn't even notice, but Chip seemed to have gotten taller.

"No! But the people in the TV say they're really good! Can we go get some?" he asked like a little kid. The grin on his face, the blush forming on his cheeks and nose because of the coming winter, and his grey eyes could turn anyone to goo.

I agreed, "Okay, there is Craig's right there, so why not?"


"Yo! Dweeb!" I called as Chip and I entered our flat. I through a bag at Jordan, it hit him directly in the face.

"Ow! What the f*ck, Logan?!" he cringed as he held his head in his hands.

"Did I really throw it that hard? I was pretty sure I was being pretty light," I said, "Anyway, you should be grateful I even got you a damn donut."

"Did you even get the groceries I sent you out for?" he grumbled.

"Oh, sh*t," I mumbled before heading out the door before Jordan could cuss me out for forgetting what I was supposed to do and throwing a donut at him instead.

"Oh, dear, did you forget the groceries again?" Mrs. Hudson asked as I headed downstairs, "It seems your memory is getting fickle, my dear."

"My memory is fine, Mrs. Hudson, I've just been getting headaches," I told her.

"Headaches? Then why don't I get you some medicine and some tea?" she suggested with a kind smile. Mrs. Hudson was always so caring of us and was very lenient on rent when we couldn't scrounge up enough money.

"That'd be great, thank you," I smiled before following her into her own flat. I sat on a plush couch with a flower pattern flowing up the seat as I waited for the kind old woman to bring me my tea and medicine.

As I waited, I let my mind roam. There had been four more murders and four more blame games since I had killed the cab driver. It was nearly December, the streets outside filled to the brim with Christmas shoppers. It was weird not celebrating Thanksgiving this year. It's weird to say that it has been nearly a year since I was taken into the Avengers. I don't remember them and I don't want them finding me, so I'm not sad about that.

I see them constantly on TV, whether that be in the news or on Tony Stark's science channel, also known as the SASS channel which stands for Stark's Advanced Science Stuff. I mainly watched it to make sure where the Avengers could be, knowing of course that with Stark's tech, they could easily fake their location.

My mind drifted toward another topic. Murder was a thing I had taken on well, but my next victim had to be my mother and her new husband. I was unsure of my half-sister. I didn't know her, of course, and wasn't she a victim like me? We fell from the same tree after all.

"We fell together, but did we really?" I mumbled, "I mean, she's probably living the greatest life ever. I'm like a fallen leaf in autumn and she's like the leaf that took my place in spring."

"What was that?" Mrs. Hudson asked as she entered with the tea and meds.

"Oh, just a thought I had, don't worry about it," I said as she handed me the plate. I quickly shoved the pills in my mouth before taking a big sip of tea.

"Oh my! Didn't that hurt?! That was steaming!" she worried as she checked me. She forcefully opened my mouth. "Oh! You've burnt your tongue red!"

"Really? That didn't hurt at all," I mumbled. Then, a searing pain crashed through my head. I didn't even feel myself fall. I just remember seeing the floor, then five pairs of hands outstretched to me, all of them unknown, yet familiar. I look up to see five faces. I didn't know them, but their eyes were of bright vibrant colors. A girl of long nutmeg hair and orange eyes, a boy with hair and wings of tar with purple eyes, another girl of Milkyway skin and green eyes, a second boy of pearlescent wings and scales with red eyes, and one last boy with perfectly smooth skin and glasses adorned his bright blue eyes.

I knew them, but I didn't. It's like we're all from one tree and have all fallen at the same time. "Not yet," the nutmeg haired girl whispered before disappearing into fireflies.

"Maybe we should take her to a hospital," Chip suggested over me as I felt Jordan carrying me up the stairs. The feeling of being set down on my bed was next.

"Absolutely not. If we take her to a hospital, they'll take her DNA and then immediately alert authorities," Jordan said as he tucked me in, "We can't let them find her."

Jordan rose up from the bed and I quickly grabbed his arm. "Wait, who was the pretty girl with nutmeg hair and orange eyes? Why did she turn into fireflies? Why did they all leave me?" I kept asking.

"Must be some weird-ass fever dream," Jordan told me, "There wasn't anyone except for Mrs. Hudson in that room." 


I know it's short, but I want chapters to be more frequent. Don't worry, I won't just write a 300-word chapter and leave it that way. They will at least be a thousand. I hope you like it with a few cameos from a few other characters from my other fanfictions!


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