Hazy Hazelnut

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"I called you to this meeting to discuss my mental health." Sophie began.

"Uh-huh." Tam looked amused, and rightly so, since it was his house.

"It's time I find answers."

"Alright. How do you think you should go about this?" 

"I'm glad you asked." Sophie pulled a folder out from her backpack. She'd jotted down all that she'd gathered about the "accident," on a faded legal pad she'd found in her room.  

"Hmm." Tam read the notes aloud. 

No one will tell me what happened. 

Dubbed "The Accident" 

Parents especially try to distract me when I try to ask about it.

"Do you remember what happened?" Sophie asked. Tam furrowed his brow. 

"Well, all I remember is that I heard you were picked up from a Walgreens. Everyone was told to be silent about it, I don't know why though, to be honest. Um, I think I heard something about a head injury, which explains the amnesia." 

Sophie pondered this, scribbling down what Tam had told her. 

"I wonder if we could go to the Walgreens? Maybe it would help trigger memories." Sophie suggested. Tam nodded. 

                                                                                     *   *   * 

The corner of happy and healthy did not produce anything worth mentioning. The cashiers present had all been hired recently, except for one, who'd been there for over 15 years. 

"Do you remember a few months ago, when an ambulance had to be called for a girl around my age?" Sophie had inquired. 

"I can't say I remember." The lady had answered apologetically, adjusting her glasses. "All I seem to remember are when my days off are." She chuckled at her own joke. 

"Oh, well, thanks anyway." Sophie had said. 

Currently, Sophie and Tam were sitting on the curb staring off into the distance in companionable silence. 

"What's that good smell?" Sophie asked, something akin to fried food wafting through the air. 

"McDonalds." Tam gestured to behind the Walgreens. 

"Mmm," Sophie smiled. "Is that the one where Wylie works?" 

"Yeah. You want to go?" 


Together, they walked over to the McDonalds. They pulled open the door and found the place mostly empty. 

"I wonder if Linh's here." Tam muttered. "She likes to hang out with Wylie on his shift. So unprofessional." 

As if summoned, Wylie appeared at the counter. His eyes locked on to the two of them suddenly. His face drained of color, his mouth opened wide. 

"Hey Wylie," Sophie walked up, trying to reassure him. He looked like he'd just seen a ghost. Wylie shook his head, as if to clear it. 

"Hello. What can I get for you?" 

Tam stepped up to the register. "We'll take..." He noticed Sophie eyeing the fries. "A large fries and a soda." 

Wylie's fingers shook as he punched in their order. "Will that be all?" 



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