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Hello whoever you are, reading this.
Before we begin there's some stuff I would like to say.

I have not been diagnosed with depression. I'm not trying to self diagnose. I have almost all the symptoms. But for family reasons I cannot get a professional diagnoses. If I do not have depression, then just consider these the thoughts and feelings of a very sad teen.

Secondly, I would like to tell you the reason I made this book.

As far as I have seen, when people talk about depression, it's usually people who have come out to the other, bright side. They talk about how it gets better. They talk about the reward of fighting on.

But once in a while, you wish people would talk about what it's actually like having it. Living through it. Feeling everything. And that's what I'm doing here.

I do not have any other platforms I feel comfortable sharing this on. And Wattpad has always been a secret safe space for me. Please treat me with kindness.

Another thing, though we are here to talk the raw, sad truth of depression and life in general, comfort and kindness is always appreciated. You are completely free to share words of hope and comfort to the sad souls™ reading this, if there are any.

I also encourage you to share your own stories and experiences.

In the end no one might end up reading this. But I still want to right it.
Thank you.

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