Making up the broken bridges

Start from the beginning

After Virat got beaten on three consecutive deliveries, he said teasingly, "You know, I can see why Robin Rawal worships you so much. You're the best."

"Shut up," said Bhuvi, scowling. "It's for him that you were in such a situation, Virat. I wish we could have found him earlier." Bhuvi's voice was small as he continued in the same regretful tone, "I wish we have understood you instead of trying to force you... I'm sorry, Virat...I..."

Virat cut him off by pulling him into a fierce hug.

"You did more than enough already, Bhuvi," said Virat. "I seem to be saying this a lot lately, but I love you more than you can imagine."

Bhuvi's eyes looked as adorable and childish as always as they smiled into Virat's.

"It's so good to have you back, Virat," whispered Bhuvi.


In the afternoon, Jassi, in a rare nagging mood, was whining to everyone that he wanted to play FIFA.

"Virat bhaiya, please get two more players so that we can play 2 on 2," he begged.

Virat was definitely not refusing Jassi anything that day (not that he ever did), so he pulled Rohit up from where he was half-sleeping against a wall, and yelled, across the room, "Come to Jassi's room immediately, Mahi bhai!"

"You're on my team," Virat told a grumbly Rohit after they had taken their positions; most of the team had come to watch and cheer as well.

The match began, and Mahi bhai and Jassi swiftly took the lead. Poor Virat, with all his competitive spirit, tried his best to make up for Rohit's dismal and obvious lack of skills in the game, but it was no good; by half-time, they were trailing 2-13.

"You're the worst player ever, Ro," said Virat scathingly.

Rohit couldn't even begin to deny that, so he demanded huffily, "Then why do you keep taking me in your team?"

Out of nowhere, Virat said quietly, "Because you're my best friend."

Obviously Virat didn't mean this game, and they both knew that, and Rohit stared at Virat, surprised and ridiculously pleased, and as Virat was turning back to the game in utmost concentration, Rohit tried to concentrate too; he couldn't let Virat lose due to his loyalty to his 'best friend' after all.

They lost anyway, but for once Virat didn't grumble to Rohit, not much at least.


Virat found Shikhar and Jaddu watching some funny (read: unfunny) videos on their laptop that evening, so he slipped in beside them, contemplating on how to apologise to the ones who had risked the most for him.

"Dude, are you trying to apologise to us,' Shikhar asked snidely.

"I was," admitted Virat, deflating.

"Well, don't. You know we're awesome, we know we're awesome--"

"Just let me finish!" protested Virat.

"No. You're our brother, you know, Virat? What we did wasn't that big a deal to clear your name," said Shikhar directly.

Virat and Shikhar looked so emotional that Jaddu said, cringing, "Both of you stop this nonsense right now!"

"Heartless idiot," snorted Shikhar, as they all laughed (laughter being the most abundant thing in their camp since yesterday night).

Then naturally, Virat settled down with them to watch the funny videos, complaining about how unfunny they were.

In spite of his aversion for expressing or even feeling emotions, Jaddu kept feeling an unnatural happiness as Virat watched the stupid videos with him the way he used to earlier.

Suddenly Virat caught a performer doing something he found really funny (which Shikhar and Jaddu found unfunny) and he cried, "Look, look, I can imitate this perfectly!"

Jaddu and Shikhar vehemently protested. "Absolutely no!"

A disappointed Virat grabbed the laptop and walked away in search of someone who would appreciate his talent at mimicry.

"Hardik, Bhuvi, see this character?" said Virat hopefully, showing them the laptop. "Look..."

"Virat, go away," said Bhuvi sternly.

"Bhuvi," pleaded Virat.

"No!" said Bhuvi heartlessly.

Everyone always became heartless when Virat got the acting bug, even the ones who usually supported him like Jassi, Jinks and Mahi bhai.

I might have to use a ticket if you continue with this nonsense, said Jinks, as Virat was shaking poor Mahi bhai, whining, "Please, please."

Use them carefully, warned Virat, and Jinks didn't use it after all.

So finally Virat had to turn to the one person who was always ready to appreciate him.

"Kuliya!" said Virat miserably.

"What happened, Virat bhai?" asked Kuldeep, looking concerned.

"Will you watch me imitating this character?"

"Yes, of course," said Kuldeep, sounding thrilled.

And Virat acted and Kuldeep applauded for him, lost in admiration, and the rest of the team looked on at the two fools darkly.

"Looks a lot like Bhuvi and Robin Rawal, to be very honest," said Shikhar, and got an unamused look from Bhuvi.

"Kuliya is the only person in the team who loves me," Virat decided tragically at dinner that night, but he received so many glares that he backtracked at once and said hastily, "Just joking!"

A/N: Every awesome idea of this chapter was given to me by Sayantani (DreamerTani). Literally every single one😃

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