Amora sighed, forcing down the sadness bubbling up in her as she grabbed onto Epiales' arm, trying to keep up with his pace as he enters the room.

"Alpha, Luna," a chorus of decorators chanted as they caught notice of them.

"Luna! Your dress!" a young woman gasped, her hand covering her mouth.

"Yes?" Amora replied, pretending not to know why people were shocked.

"It's-it's black, all of it is black," she whispered, as though she was passing on a deadly secret.

"I like it, don't you?" Amora retaliates.

The young woman nods ever so slightly, turning away and speed-walking to the other end of the ballroom.

"I told you," Epiales whispered in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

"And I told you that I like this dress," she whispers back, not quite tall enough to reach his ear.

"We'll see how much you like it when the King sees you."

Amora ignores him and heads to the kitchen, tugging Epiales with her.

"Ah! Epiales and Amora-why that is definitely a dress that stands out," the King exclaims, turning around to face them.

"I'm sorry your majesty, I did inform her that the dress is inappropriate," Epiales apologises, although Amora could hear the distaste in his tone as he addressed him.

"Well, you certainly would not have seen a dress like that fifteen years ago! But nevertheless, why not celebrate this new century and modernity," he replies, his face still shocked and somewhat irritated at the breaking of his dress code.

Amora nods politely, trying not to show her annoyance, she was not going to pretend to be someone she was not.

"Well, it is the late morning now and my prediction is that everything will be ready by noon which is plenty of time before the ball starts," Richard states, motioning around the kitchen to show the huge crowd of people rushing around busily.

"What time does the ball start?" Epiales asked.

"Five in the evening, dinner will be served and then the ball will begin, my servants, shall walk you through everything beforehand so do not fret."

Epiales and Amora nod in unison, letting the King direct them around the large kitchen.

"We will be serving mutton alongside boiled potatoes and other vegetables, and other foods such as pork, a variety of cheese, eggs and such will also be served," the King spoke, his chest puffing with pride, "as for dessert we will be serving trifle and apple Charlotte and for drinks, there will be tea, coffee and ale."

"Wow, that is a lot," Amora gasped, Epiales standing silent beside her.

The King smiled at her, "it is indeed, we have the best cooks in the world in this palace!"

Epiales cuts in, annoyed with his boasting, "won't a lot of food go to waste?"

The King nods, unaffected by it, "yes, there will be but it is always cleaned up and thrown out, my palace is always spotless."

"You do not give the leftover food to those who need it? There are at least 4 packs nearby who are struggling to survive," Epiales glowered, finding it impossible to be respectful.

"Epiales, do we have an issue here?" Richard growls, looking to Amora, expecting her to say something to her mate, but she stays silent, agreeing with Epiales.

"No, your majesty, we do not," Epiales spits, gripping Amora's arm and walking out of the kitchen.

"Epiales, I agree with you, but you must be respectful, he could have you executed within a matter of hours!" Amora exclaims, pulling at his arm to get him to slow down.

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now