Chapter 15 - Turner

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I gasp, immediately sitting up. Soft, but stiff sheets drop from over my shoulders. There's a reoccurring beeping from my left, and I sit on an uncomfortable bed. Strangely, it's completely clean in the small room I'm in. There's glass that must be one-sided, since I can't see through it. I only see myself wearing a hospital gown in the reflection of the glass.

I look down at myself. Surely, I'm in a hospital gown.

The only thing that goes through my mind is, Where am I?

I slowly climb out of the uncomfortable bed, with its sheets well tucked in beneath the thin mattress. Glancing to my left, I see an IV hooked up to a needle that pierces the skin of my elbow. I instantly peel away the tough material of the bandage around it and with it I pull out the needle. I let it fall on the bed so it doesn't shatter and cause any noise.

Facing the bed, I place my hand on my stomach where I was stabbed. Wasn't it a little girl that stabbed me? After the point I was stabbed, I don't really remember anything. Through the thin fabric of the gown, I feel what must be stitches exactly where I had been stabbed.

"Without that IV, Miss Holland, you will start feeling unbearable pain from the stab wound. So, that wasn't a good idea to take that out." I instantly turn around towards the source of the unfamiliar voice. A man in a doctor's outfit stands in front of a heavily built door. He has a stethoscope draped around his neck. His eyes are a familiar dark brown, and his hair is a soft, light brown, mixed with bits of grey. I can't get over how familiar his eyes are to me...

"Who are you, and where the hell am I?" I question him, ignoring his statement.

He shows no emotion as he replies, "You are at Facility X. May I show you around, Miss Holland?" I don't respond. I only glance at the door, before looking back at those familiar eyes. Perhaps, I can see if there's a way out of here. "Follow me." He gestures for me to follow, as he swipes a card on a device beside the door. It clicks three times, before he turns the doorknob and pulls it open. I follow him out to a long hallway. Multiple doors line both sides of the corridor. I follow beside him as we walk slowly down the long, pristine, white corridors with its fancy lights on the ceiling. My eyes skim over many new things to me. Of course, I've heard of many of these things, but I've never been in such a peaceful place where they even bother keeping them. This includes a glass rose in a glass vase beside one of the closed doors. It's one of the most beautiful roses I've ever seen.

"You see, Miss Holland, you're safe here. There are no Infected here. In fact, you'll probably never see another one of those inhuman things again. Facility X was made to home those who 'die' in the Dead World." The doctor speaks after moments of silence. Another doctor passes us in a fast-walking pace and enters a random room with a card that looks somewhat similar to the doctor's card that I follow.

"But, how do you get everyone in time?" I ask.

"Well, not everyone we can get to in time. Such as Zachary Holland. Your father. Or, Conner." He says in a mellow voice.

I look down as I hear the name of my father, or even Conner, before I meet his deep brown eyes once more, "But, what about Jamie? Or, Sara? What about Kilo? Kevin? Vincent?"

"Jamie, and Kevin made it. Vincent Turner has as well. He was a close call though." A small smile, seemingly, mostly of sorrow appears on his face, before it quickly disappears once more.

I pause, before asking with hope, "What about my mother?"

He shakes his head.

I guess there was no hope for that anyway...

"Can I see Vincent?" I ask.

"He's still in recovery. We still don't know what happened to him in the first place for him to get so bad though." He says, "Perhaps, you can see him when he wakes up in about a week." He shrugs.

We get to the end of the hallway and we take a left. The room is full of different computers and monitors. Around thirty people sit at desks, clicking mouses connected to their computers in front of them. Large screens are hooked up to the wall with a landscape shown on the screens connected together. The world looks familiar to me, but the doctor pulls me away from the room to an empty kitchen space. "We aren't supposed to be in that room for very long." He quickly speaks.

"Why not?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"It is information on all of the Dead World. It's how we know to send people to collect the dying people." He explains. With a pause, he finally continues, "I think it's time I take you back to your room." He suggests, leading me out of the empty kitchen space and quickly passed the computer room, into the hall once again.

The doctor that originally passed us passes us once again in a rush, holding a clipboard in his hands. He crosses the name 'Cassidy Marie' out with a solid red pen. The name written in bold letters.

The doctor leading me, rushes me to the doorway to my room and swipes his card on the device beside the door. It clicks three times before he opens it. He gestures for me to enter, and I do so. He goes to shut the door, but I quickly stop him.

"Wait," I quickly say. He stops and makes eye contact with me once more. Those familiar eyes make me want to know the name of him. "What do I call you?" I ask curiously.

He blinks before responding, "Many call me, Doctor Turner, but you may call me, Darren."

My eyes widen. I recognise that name. No wonder why his eyes seemed so familiar to me.

He goes to shut the door once again, but once again I stop him, "Wait! Darren! You're Drew's father!" I exclaim as the door is almost completely shut.

He doesn't open the door, but I can see through the slight opening as his whole mood seems to drop. "How- How do you know my son's name? How do you know that?" His voice croaks.

"He told me about what happened to you. He thinks you're dead." I say. He doesn't respond.

The door shuts and it clicks three times, before I'm left in silence once more. I try to open the door, but it won't budge. Angered, I kick the door violently, before I sit back on the plastic end of the hospital bed. I have to find out more about this place, before I think anymore of that.


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