Chapter 5 - Ice Cold

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"NO!" I scream and pull out of Drew's tough grip. I basically crawl over to the hole on the frosty ice. The cold, wet snow atop the ice seems to almost burn my hands. I look in the hole to see a rough, strong current beneath the surface of ice. I frantically scream my dog's name over and over. The water is so dark, I don't see Buddy. Out of stupidity, I pull off my jacket and dive in. The cold water stings my skin. I hear Drew's muffled voice as he screams my name.

I swim deeper and deeper, before I see the dark outline of a large animal. I immediately wrap my arm around his back and pull his heavy weight up. It's so cold. My vision seems to fade.

I see a hand reaching in the water for me. I reach a hand up and swim up with difficulty, as I continue reaching using all of my might. Buddy weighs me down greatly, but I continue to struggle as my vision dissipates. My urge to breathe gets greater within seconds.

Suddenly, everything goes pitch black.



My fingers immediately feel numb as I reach in the water. After a minute or two I begin to truly worry and I'm about to jump in as well. The others swipe the snow off of the surface of the ice as I do so. "Drew, she isn't here!" West exclaims, brushing the snow away on the ice.

"What if the current has already carried her away?" Gabriella exclaims with a shake in her voice.

I feel something touch my fingers and I instantly grab it. It's Jessica's hand. "Sean! Come help me!" I shout to him.

"Did you-" He begins, but I instantly cut him off.

"JUST HELP ME!" I yell, getting a better hold on Jessica's hand and pulling her up. My sudden outburst surprises the group, but I just can't lose her again. She feels as if a weight is pulling her down. He quickly runs over and kneels down beside me, reaching into the ice cold water.

"She's holding something!" He exclaims, grabbing whatever is in her arms.

As soon as he pulls it out of the water with a struggle, I feel the weight is taken away and pull her out of the water. I drag her out of the water completely and place her beside me, between where me and Sean kneel on the icy ground. I glance over at Sean and see he's holding the dog on his lap.

Jessica isn't breathing.

I panic as I begin CPR. "Come on, Jess." I mutter. Gabriella rushes over, as does West. Although, I would rather West stayed away from Jessica.

Suddenly, she coughs up tons of water. After a few seconds she speaks in a wheezing breath, "Is Buddy okay?" She asks.

I let out a breathy laugh, glancing over at the dog. Buddy looks as exhausted as Jessica. He lies limp in Sean's lap, only moving his eyes to look around. His eyes are filled with complete and utter shock, but he's okay. "Yeah, Buddy's all good." I reply, looking back down at Jessica.

"It's so cold." Jessica shivers. Her clothing is completely drenched and her skin looks pale.

"We have to get her somewhere warm, or she'll freeze to death." Sean says, still holding onto the large dog on his lap.

I nod in agreement, before I carefully lift up Jessica. With one arm beneath her knees and one beneath her back, I slowly stand up. Sean holds the heavy German Shepherd and stands up, struggling the slightest bit from the weight of the animal. "I'm pretty sure my parent's old home isn't too far from here." Sean states.

All four of us exchange glances, before nodding. Sean immediately begins walking in- what must be- the direction of his old home and I follow with the rest of the group being further ahead. I notice that Jessica has basically passed out in my arms. I look down at her as I walk. My eyes skim over her perfect features. Already, I know that my favourite feature is her beautiful, crystal blue eyes. I decided that when I first met her, but I only started to like her as more than a friend three years ago. When we were fifteen turning sixteen.

Her clothes feel as if they're turning to ice in the freezing cold air. Of course, now the wind has to pick up and blow hard against us.



I wake up to the warmth of a fire. I lie in a comfortable, queen-sized bed and a fire is blazing calmly in the safety of a fireplace. I can hear the wind as it wails against the house. I sit up and look around at where I am. Nobody else is around. There is a door that must lead out to a main area or something. A large window gives me a view of a long driveway and strong gates surrounding the building. I'm definitely on the second story of what must be a mansion. I do remember Sean saying his parents owned a mansion.

Pictures and statues of religious items and people are everywhere. Candles sit, unlit, on the shelf above the fireplace.

I feel something heavy on the foot of the bed and I look down to see Buddy is sleeping peacefully at my feet. At least, I know I saved him. Although, I only remember diving in the freezing cold water.

It's only when I climb out of the bed that I realise I'm only in my sports bra and underwear. I guess my clothes would've gotten pretty cold and wet. I walk over to the heat of the fireplace and I see my clothes are sitting out on a chair beside the fireplace. My bow, machete, empty gun, and dagger sit in a pile on the floor in front of the fireplace. I touch the fabric of my clothes and realise they're still soaked. Great. Exactly what I needed.

I walk over to the door and open it quietly. Instantly, I hear voices from downstairs. I recognise them all as the group.

As quietly as possible, I step outside of the room and notice a long staircase going downstairs, along with a balcony just ahead of that. The doors to the balcony are glass, but they are slightly frosted over from the outside. Lining the walls are candles on random shelves and more. The power must be completely off.

I take a few steps down the stairs, before I see the group all sitting in a lounge room. I take one or two more steps down, before Drew notices me. He seems pleased to know I'm finally awake. He stands up from where he sat and gestures for Gabriella to come with him. Sean and West wait where they are, in front of a bigger fireplace and continue to chat. Both Drew and Gabriella make their way up the stairs, while I climb back up and wait for them to get to the top.

I think I'm the only person to think it's strange knowing someone would've had to undress me. I just hope either Drew or Gabriella did, and no one else. More Drew because I've known him for almost six years now and I know he's very respectful. Otherwise, Gabriella because, of course, she's also female.

The two of them make it to the top of the staircase. "Jessica, you're awake." Gabriella says, smiling.

"I'm guessing your clothes aren't dry yet?" Drew asks, reaching a hand up to the back of his neck.

"Still completely drenched." I shrug.

"I'm pretty sure there would be clothes somewhere here." Gabriella says. I nod in agreement and she walks past me towards the room I had been in, "The room you were in was apparently Sean's older sister's room. He said she was seventeen when she died." She says over her shoulder, before entering the room.

I nod, before turning back to look at Drew. He looks at the right side of my waist. "I saw you still have the scars." He says, gesturing to the large, ugly scars on my side. His deep brown eyes flick back to my own eyes. "I was the one who- um- y'know- your clothes- and- I just noticed the scars- when I-" He stumbles with his words.

"I get it, Drew." I say, giving him a small side-smile.

He lets out a nervous laugh and nods. "I'll just be down there if you need me." He quickly says, gesturing downstairs. I nod and he makes his way downstairs, tripping on the second step, before he quickly catches himself on the railing. I chuckle as he continues walking downstairs.

"Jessica, I got you something." Gabriella calls from my room. Straight after, I notice the tapping of heavy claws on the dark wood floors coming from the room I was in. Buddy's awake.

I then hurry into the room once more to get changed into something new after so long.


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