Prima Dell' alba

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Usually after the grueling morning training, I hang out in ate Mowna's office to kill time then have lunch with her after but I had to finish a report for grad school today so I went to the study hall. I'm really interested with sustainability management kaya this report is easy for me that after an hour I was already wrapping up. I was looking around while fixing my stuff when I saw a familiar face, it's Julia Casal. We saw each other so I smiled and approached her.

"Hi Idol are you alone?" She asked me as she stood up to make beso.

"Yes I had to finish a report eh. Ikaw are you alone?"

"Yes! Join me?" She requested pointing at the chair in front of her.

I had no plans naman so I gladly obliged. Julia and I became close because she's friends with one of my close friends, Van. So we've hung out na and we're very casual. She's now busy with her phone so i just sat there observing her. She's so young and fresh and actually really fab no wonder why people are crushing on her.

When she's done using her phone she stared at the ceiling looking like she's in a deep thought so I fake coughed to get her attention.

"Julia, are you okay?"

She's surprised by my out-of-nowhere question then her face shifted to confused "Huh? what do you mean?" She asked.

I let out a chuckle then replied "Kasi you haven't shared memes on facebook for a while na. Your daily shit posting is part of my life so if you're not okay im not okay"

"HAHAHA oh my gosh akala ko kung ano! But I was just busy with school like it has been hell for the past few days" She said smiling

"Oh I thought something bad happened" I replied while nodding my head

"I just finished my exam earlier today and i was just thinking about all my wrong answers that's why i'm lifeless rn but i'll be back to shit posting later dont worry, gotchu girl" she paused then added "but you know technically I'm not okay since im so single and deprived of lambing" She said which made me laugh.

"Girl tell me about it" I said while shaking my head thinking about how my life has been for the past few months.

She was surprised by my remark "Wait aren't you dating AJ?" She asked with so much confusion.

I took a deep breath then looked at her. "You know when you loved someone so much but it's complicated then another person comes then you started feeling for him but your love for him is not as big or even at par from the person before so everything just feels not good?" I said then smiled weakly.

Julia's face just softened after I spoke then asked "Kelan pa?"

"Last week of July pa girl"

"It's not working eh we actually realized that it's not gonna be serious so we decided to settle with being friends" I added as I brushed my hair with my fingers.

"So you still love Thirdy?" Julia asked which made me look away.

"Sus Bea it's obvious noh besides he still loves you" She added like she's stating a fact.

"Julia it's too late. I already broke his heart" I said thinking about the time I told Thirdy about my feelings for AJ.

"Look Bei, I've been spending way too much time with him to know him really well. He's like a perfect cookie"

I laughed at her description "What do you mean by perfect cookie?"

"Hard on the outside but soft on the inside" Julia said with a smirk

I looked at her with confused look which she got so she went on explaining.

"You know naman na about this eh. He's just trying to be strong and batak on the outside but he's more fragile or marupok than both of us combined"

Again I laughed at her remark not sure if because it's really funny or it's just true.

"But now I can't even describe him as cookie i feel like he's more of a siopao"

I choked on my own saliva kasi I was surprised with her statement "A what now??" I said asking for clarification.

"Siopao- beautiful on the outside but a hot mess on the inside" then she added "He's been pretending that he's okay and doing well but really he's struggling. With the fact that he's feeling a little alone at this point since he's surrounded by people that arent his batchmates. Added pa that he has a broken heart."

"Bea I know he told you that he's fine but syempre he did that para you wont feel guilty for falling for other person. But he's jaded now eh he doesnt want to put himself out there and you know meet people."

"But I love siopao" I said taking what Julia said lightly

"That, I know. why dont you tell it directly to the siopao??" She said with a raised right eyebrow

I just rolled my eyes and smiled. I can't do this to him. I can't just come back just because it's convenient I feel like im being selfish lang. I wanted him to be with someone he deserves the person who loves him without hesitation and I feel like I'm not that person.

"Julia can you not mention this to him" I requested which she totally agreed with.

"Mahirap panoodin syang malungkot ha knowing that he could be happy if he just try again" Julia stated while looking intently at me.

"It's not that easy Julia"

"Yes it's not easy but then again, is there anything easy in this world?" she asked

I chuckled and decided to change the topic and just ask her to eat lunch with me.

"Do you have plans ba for lunch? Let's eat naman!" I asked her

"I am actually waiting for thirdy to eat with him but i'll just ditch him for you"

"Oh no okay lang never mind"

"Sus okay lang yun no! Duh it's you"


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