Chapter 13: Please Kick Her Ass Em

Start from the beginning

The girl who nudged her earlier stepped in and scoffed at Emma. "I already let the nurse know you'll be visiting her." The girl said cheekily.

Please kick her ass Em.


I leaned back into the wall and crossed my arms over my chest staring at the girl in amusement as she gave me a dirty look, "Fucking Nysrough scum." She said low.

Damn, "I'd insult your name, but it seems I uh don't know it. Must not be relevant." I said watching her give me a glare before staring at Emma.

Emma wasted no time and went straight in for the kill.

They fought, and Emma had legs that I swear a kickboxer would be put to shame for. Her flexibility was enough to toss any gymnast to shame too. The girl got one hit, one.

Emma got sixteen before she stopped and dropped the girl to the floor, "This is just embarrassing now. Adjust your attitude to match your fight unless you want your ass handed to you." Emma said to the girl who was curled up and spitting blood.

She'll be okay.

I watched Emma slip on her heels and grab her jacket and bag. "I'm starving." She said to me gesturing for us to go.

The girls friends quickly moved aside for Emma and I felt a smirk grow at the power she had.

What can I say? I like a girl with power.

We headed to the table and sat down while I waited for her to mention she just kicked that girls ass, but she didn't say a word.

She's humble too.

Staring over at Michael, he sat between Lily and Levi but his eyes hung at the end of the table.

I followed his gaze knowing about the rumor and the incident of this morning. Everyone in school knows.

Apparently she fucked Jameson in the cell outside last night and although there's evidence, I can't get myself to believe it.

I may not know her the way the others do but I know she was good, she was doing really good, and there's no way she'd jeopardize that on a heat of the moment thing.

I'm sure my asshole half brother got his kicks out of the rumor.

Despite it all, Anne was sitting holding a burger in her hands and smiling softly while talking to Vydia.

Petra said Vydia is Killians secret affair daughter which makes her our cousin. It's nice knowing Anne is so close with her cousin.

"You have no idea the fight Michael and Anne had!" Petra said from behind me, I jumped and slammed my hand on the table. It grew silent and I stared at everyone before laughing nervously, "Bug." I said lifting my hand and wiping it with a napkin.

Lincoln gave me a look before he tried to avoid staring for too long. He hates me.

What fight?

"So Anne told Michael pretty much that if he believes Vance that he didn't ever know her. Michael was like 'I want to believe it wasn't real, but I saw it Annalise' and then she told him to get the hell out of her face, and he was like 'why are you mad? You're the one who fucked my cousin!' And she said 'But I didn't!' And he got furious and said 'I saw it Anne! How can you deny it still? How can you lie to my face?' And she started sobbing all ugly-you know how she ugly cries." Petra began, and I suddenly regretted asking.

First off, Anne's not an ugly cryer.

"Okay yes she is, but I'm not done. So then she said she loved him and he was like 'Obviously not enough.' And she said 'Fine, be like that! Go, we're done. We're through!' And he was all quiet and in disbelief but said 'Alright. Have a nice life.' And walked out slamming the door shut." She said with wide eyes and running around to Michael, "It's clear he's not okay with it, and it's even clearer that he wants Anne still." She then ran over to Anne, "And she's trying to still look strong, despite the fact that she's totally a mess and broken." She said nodding.

Wow, great observation.

"Also, Sabrina masturbated to your photo last night. It was raunchy." She said cringing and making me cringe in return.

That girls a fucking nightmare.

Petra sighed like she'd done a whole bunch of work, but really it was a whole lot of talking.

Looking to Anne, we held a stare and she looked behind her and stared up at Petra for a few seconds before smiling softly and looking down at her burger.

"Did the bitch just look at me? Did she see me?" Petra asked moving in front of Anne and climbing over the table to stare inches from her face.

It seemed like it.

What the fuck?

"What the actual fuck?" Petra said low before standing on the table and staring down at Kris, "He's still hot." She said thoughtfully.


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