"You said she wouldn't die" I snatched him by his cloak tightening my grip as I jerked him forward to me. 

"And like a fool you believed my words" 

"I won't let you do this to her...I won't lose her this way" I said angrily pushing him back against the wall. 

"You shouldn't have been a gullible fool now her death will be on your hands" Itachi dust himself off as he turned to leave. "if you have a problem with the way things are then I will give you the chance to leave my sight now leaving her here or I will kill you where you stand now" I couldn't risk either. Urata was right about this and I should've listened to him. 

"There's no problem" I looked down as I couldn't leave or die in this moment.

"Please tell me who you are and why are you worried about if I live or die?"She asked to me calmly looking worried about what would happen.

"I don't think I should" She looked up at me. "Kakashi-" I tried to catch his name from slipping out of my mouth, however, it was too late. This is what happens when I think about my brother kicking my ass for putting his niece in danger. Or even if he finds out that I've been alive this whole time or better yet that I'm an Akatsuki member. I can give so many reasons at this point and theirs not much I can do to set anything right. 

I'll be looked down upon just like how our father was when he failed his mission. 

"What!!! What about Kakashi? Do you know him?" She is just like her mother wanting to know everything at every chance she got. 

"Kakashi is my bother" I whispered to her as I started thinking about her mother more. "You and I were never supposed to cross paths again but my stupidity and selfishness led up to that" This is all my fault. I was so determined to bring her mother back into this world, so that I could bring our family back together. 

But why did it take me until now to realize that it wouldn't be the same as before. I'm sacrificing my child to get nothing in return at least not what I want. 

"Does that mean y-you're my father?" Tears began to form in her eyes as she covered her mouth. 

"C-chinami.. I'm so sorry. I know I can't make up for this... This is all my fault I-I desperately wanted your mother back and to protect you" It hurt me more because she started to cry more shaking her head. 

"I-i can't believe this" The decisions I made were wrong. I should have refused the Akatsuki's offer when they captured me. I should died the day I gave her to Kakakshi. I don't know if my absence hurt her more than my  betrayal. "My father wants me dead to take over the world"She began to rant more. "First Gaara and now my own father...What's next... Kakashi or no maybe my own friends"

"Chinami I was trying to-" She yelled at me harshly.

"Trying to what" She carried on angrily. "All the time I wished I had a family like everyone else, but I don't want that anymore" This feeling is this the same pain my father went through before he killed himself. Is this what depression feels like? The pain I'm feeling because I hurt someone that I loved. "It would've been better if you just had DIED!!!!" I looked away from her and stood from the chair after she said that. 

"I know apologizing won't help anything now, however, I sent word to Kakashi to come and save you, so I'll probably be killed in the process" I collected my weapon as she started ranting again kicking and hitting on the cage bars. "Wait don't" 

I tried to stop her but it was already too late she kicked the cage door, which caused her to be electrocuted by the bars making her scream out in pain. 

Not knowing what to do any longer I just backed away leaving her be as I've already caused enough damage here. As I left I could here her soft cries behind me.

"Kakashi please come soon" I whispered to myself stepping out to get some fresh air.

"You know it's never too late to save her" Urata walked up behind me.

"never thought you would be one to go against the Akatsuki wishes" I said looking off into the distance.

"well they are harming my masters daughter, someone you love and it isn't right anymore to do so" I looked back at him knowing he'd do anything I asked him to do. Even if it meant we go against Itachi and the other remaining members to get her out of here. 

I'm sure Itachi would understand if it were his younger brother Sauske. I know he'd do some backward things to protect someone he loves.   

Just as I turned to head back into the cave I heard a howl in the distance knowing it would be the dogs Kakashi summoned to hunt for her. 

Took them long enough I thought summoning my all white wolf to go and find them to bring them to her. 

"You know what to do just be quick about it" I nodded as he dashed off in full speed. 

I walked back into the hideout to see that they had her ready to be extracted. Her hands bounded together as she glared up at me.

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