"You asked me if it's supposed to be cold today. Yes, it is." she tells me once more before she quickly kisses me one more time
and pulls away so she can continue to get dressed.

I do the same.

Before I even know it, we're heading out the door and towards her car. She opens the passenger door for me and waits for me to get in before she shuts it and runs around to the driver's side. Once we're both buckled up, we start heading in the direction of the hospital.

"Why don't you just take the day off?" I hear Logan ask me after we get onto the main road. I turn to face her and see her quick little glance at me before she faces forward again.

"Because. I want to work as much as I can." I tell her as I lean back.

"I understand that. But I really don't want you to push yourself too much. You're 16 and a half weeks now." she tells me softly. I sigh and shake my head.

"Yes. I'm only 16 and a half weeks. It's not like I'm about to go into labor right now. I'll stop going to work once I'm getting closer to our due date." I try telling her. She sighs and before I even know it, I feel her hand on my leg, gently rubbing my leg through my jeans.

"You know how much I worry." she mumbles, but I hear her loud and clear.

"I know baby...but there's nothing for you to be worrying about. The last time we went in for our appointment, the doctor said that everything was fine. That there's no sign of any complications or anything like that." I tell her. She slowly nods her head.

"I'm sorry. I guess it's just finally hitting me now. We're really going to have a baby. I'm thrilled, yes. But also a little worried because I don't want anything bad to happen." she tells me. It makes me smile to hear how much she cares.

To try to reassure her a little bit better, I place my hand over hers and rub her. I see her form a little smile on her face.

"Trust me Logan, there's nothing to be worried about. I'm fine. The doctor says I'm fine along with the baby. We're fine." I tell her.

The second she stops for a red light, I see her turn around and lean over to quickly kiss me. Just seconds after I begin to kiss her back, the car behind us honks its horn. Logan pulls away and laughs a little as she starts moving again. I laugh a bit as well but with a slightly red face.

After a little more ways, we finally make it to the hospital and pull into the parking lot. The second Logan cuts the ignition, she quickly hops out of the car and rushes over towards the passenger door and opens the door for me. She reaches her hand out for me to grab. I playfully roll my eyes at her childish behavior but humor her anyway and take her head.

"You don't have to do that every single time, you know?" I tell her as she grabs my hand and we start heading towards the hospital entrance. She shakes her head.

"I know I don't HAVE to, I want to." she tells me as she gives me a warm smile. I return it.

After we check in, we wait in the waiting room for us to be called. When my name gets called, Logan and I both walk into the doctors room. We're both greeted by the doctor, Dr. Wiles, and then she instructs me to sit down in the fancy looking type of hospital chair. I do so and she helps me to lower the back of the chair so I'm very close to lying down straight.

"Ok, are you two ready to see how your baby is doing?" Dr. Wiles asks us very excitedly as she gets the machine hooked up along with the cold, slimy gel that she'll put on my stomach.

"Yes," Logan and I both say. I look over towards her and find her smiling down at me.

Trying to get it through the doctors head that Logan's the father of our baby, was a real interesting conversation. Almost as interesting as it was telling my parents that I'm pregnant with her baby. My mother was hysterical and kept on asking a million questions, like usual. My dad... well...he had to have a long talk with Logan about it. I have no clue on what he told her, but it ended up with everything flying by nicely. In the end, both of them were happy about it.

Her Forever and Always (F.F. Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now