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"Watch your language, little boy," She says and smiles.

"Meh." He pecks her cheek and zooms out of the scene with his parrot hovering him.

Exams are officially over, seniors are saying their farewells and university applications are still flying around desperately, looking for a willing catcher but Leroi is in the midst of all the cacophony, checking out his manicure. Literally too, he's taken quite a liking to painting his fingernails and well, taking care of it as a whole. No more basketballs to pull or bruise or break or straight ass remove them anymore, and in just less than a month, he'll back to the books.

What a miserable life.

Whiskey seems to agree to his thoughts because then does the avian caws a "sorry", which isn't surprising to his owner anymore, and lands on Leroi's head, scratching the low bed of black keratin and possibly searching for a tick. It could also be an attempt to comfort its owner.

Leroi giggles, his eyes lighting up from thinking too hard. "Sorry honey, but you ain't gonna find any bugs in there. Not today anyways."

"Bugs!" replies the parrot four times before pushing Leroi's head for momentum and springing forward. Leroi almost slips on the skateboard but manages to find his balance.

Kaolin's house is just some feet ahead and when Whiskey flies over there just to perch on the white but ivy-stricken picket fence, Leroi concludes he's going to miss the fuck out of his bird.

It's Friday and it's scorching. Leroi wipes the sweat accumulating amidst the soft stubble on his chin. Turns out overthinking wears your physicals out too. Scratching a shaving bump, and enjoying the feeling it brings, he treads on the Meyers' overgrown lawn, whistling this Bruno Mars song. There's this tension pressing his guts upon the thought of seeing Kaolin, hence the whistling.

Their friendship-relationship after the night at the movies has taken a sharp u-turn towards something Leroi will call neither good nor bad. It's complicated, unlike the feelings that he's realized has been building up all this while and he has been so fucking blind to see them. They are at peak limit but no. Not on his conscience's watch will he fall for his best friend of all persons.

Leroi is about to open the door when Kaolin's voice raised at disturbing decibels bounces against his eardrums.

"What do you mean I betrayed you?... I'm not some second-hand Walmart fleshlight you can fucking use anytime your dick, fuck you Malory!..."

Leroi presses his ear harder on the door, trying to filter ballistics and figure out who 'Malory' is because as much as he remembers, that name had something to do with Nixon getting his ass beat last week; a topic Kaolin will never address with him.

"You know what betrayal is, bitch? Pounding up my brother into a pulp when I fucking---...spare me your idioms and leave me and my family alone..!"

"Yo bro, what's good?" Leroi enters in a flash that Kaolin corresponds to in an incredible manner but the former still registers Kaolin's thumb hanging up the call that moment.

Kaolin's eyes are squeezed shut and Leroi awaits a mood switch. It's an everyday thing now with Kaolin. Kaolin takes in a deep breath before he opens his eyes, glitters pouring out his irises, with a Gary Sue grin.

"Slayberry, the boy I just wanted to see," he declares, his arms open to engulf his best friend in a hug.

He kisses Leroi.

"So," Leroi chews his lips before placing his stare away from Kaolin's shirtless figure onto something less erection worthy and he sees Nixon waving from the window outside; all clothed in muddy overalls and gardening gloves. "Are we going to start practice or not?"

SEX AND THE BOY ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora