- Chapter 5 -

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When Richard wakes up he is still tied up to the same chair as he was before. He feels how his head is throbbing due to being hit on the head by a gun.

There is something different about the room that differs from when he woke up in it the first time. It takes him a few seconds to put his finger on what the difference is, but then notice that the cellar has a foul stench that he can't seem to find the source to.

He looks down at his hand where a phone has been placed. The screen displays a paused video of Brad.

Richard's looks around the room, noticing that he is alone. Well, he does have the company of the two dead parents and his dead partner, so you could say that he isn't completely alone.

He presses the play button and watches as Brad starts to speak.

"Hello there, detective! Hope I didn't disappoint you too much by skipping town and ending our little game, but I was in a hurry as you might understand. But don't you worry, I arranged a really fun surprise for you before I left and one for you little police friends as well, and trust me they'll go in pieces when they see it. Literally!" Brad's laughter is the last thing you here before the video ends.

Throwing the phone into the ground angrily, Richard screams out of frustration.

All of a sudden he feels something on his shoes. Hearing small paws running around the room shifts his attention to the floor. There are huge, fat and naughty rats running around his chair, trying to eat through his shoes. As the start climbing up the chair, one of them starts biting on one of Richard's fingers as he was determined to eat it. They all were! As every second goes by more and more rats start making their way towards him slowly chewing on his flesh as struggles to get out of the chair that he's tied to, having no chance of escaping.

!!!THE END!!!

!!!THE END!!!

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