- Chapter 4 -

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"Okay! Let's have some fun!" Brad laughs. "It's time to play a little game." He walks up to Eva and places the gun at her head before turning to Richard.

"The rules are simple. I'm going to give you a riddle that you have to solve. If you answer correctly, your dear partner gets to live and it's her turn to play the game. But if you answer it incorrectly, I will take this gun and put a bullet through her pretty little head."

Hearing this, both Eva and Richard's eyes shoot wide open.

"And if I regret to play?" Richards asks.

Brad sighs heavily. "That's the fun in that? Well, if you were to refuse, I'll have no choice but to kill both of you. Your choice entirely!" He laughs waving the gun around.

"Okay, I'll do it!" Richard surrenders.

Brad cheers happily. "Yay! So, are you ready?" he asks teasingly.

"Yes! Just as the bloody riddle, you psychopath!" Richard is starting to get irritated but can't do anything about his situation, which is irritating him even more.

"Okay, fine. Fine! There's no reason to be rude." Brad says rolling his eyes. "Here it comes, but remember to think long and hard before you answer." A small giggle escapes his lips. "If detective Storm was born in Sweden, raised in Norway, travelled to Spain, and dies in Madrid, what is she?"

Richard takes a moment to think over his answer. "She's dead," he says.

And at that moment, Brad pulls the trigger, letting the bullet go through Eva's head, killing her instantly.

"NOOO!!!" Richard screams in horror of what he had just witnessed. He watches as his partner's lifeless body sinks into the chair next to him.

"RIGHT ANSWER!" Brad cheers happily while clapping his hands. Then he turns and raises the gun once more, but this time he has it pointed at Richard's forehead.

Tears of both hatred and sorrow fall down Richard's cheeks. "Why did you do that?! I was right. You didn't follow your own rules."

"Well, you were the one who said she was dead. I just pulled the trigger to make it true. And honestly, detective, haven't you ever heard the expression 'words are meant to be broken'?" A hysterical laughter echo in the room, sending shivers through Richard's body.

Brad continues. "Anyway, where was I? Oh, right!" He raises the gun once again. "It's your turn to play."

That's when they hear the faint sound of sirens coming closer.

"Change of plans." Brad states before knocking Richard unconscious.

" Brad states before knocking Richard unconscious

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