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dr. harrison was sitting across from her, staring her up and down. he looked like he was inspecting her. the second he saw her, he widened his eyes and his mouth fell open for a reason unknown to sandy. jill left, and it was just the two of them.

for a moment, she thought he was just looking at his notebook, but he was looking over it to look at her. it was unbelievable; sandy love looked exactly like his late wife. she didn't know this, of course. she just thought he was nervous.

"uh... i'm... dr. harrison," he muttered, leaning forward to shake her hand. her face, eyes, nose and hair looked just like emily's. she even smelled like her. she shook his hand, looking deep into his brown eyes. she thought she almost saw a glint of excitement. "have you ever been to counseling before?" he leaned back, getting his pen ready for notes.

sandy shook her head. "i never thought i would, but here i am," she smiled. her smile was similar to emily's, but sandy's eyes crinkled more when she smiled.

"well, what brings you here?" although he knew why, it was a routine question.

"dead parents." she spoke in a deadpanned tone.

dr. harrison furrowed his dark brows and chuckled in disbelief. "you speak as if it doesn't affect you," he responded. "when did it happen?"

sandy didn't quite know; everything was somewhat of a blur since then. she didn't want to keep track of the day her parents died. "honestly, i don't know." she bit her lip. he was still in awe of how much she sounded and looked like emily.

"understandable, i suppose," dr. harrison uttered while writing down his notes. "seems like it hasn't affected you horribly. you're not putting a facade on, are you?" sandy shook her head again, staring at her feet. dr. harrison didn't seem to be the type to take things too seriously. he nodded his head. "then, how does this make you feel?"

sandy thought. she hadn't had much time to feel lately. everything was so busy. "i don't know... not good. i feel like there's a weight on my shoulders, but not the guilty kind. the sad kind. you know?"

dr. harrison knew exactly what she was talking about. he still had that feeling about his wife, emily. "yeah," he nodded. "unfortunately. ahem... overall, from the past few days, or before the accident, how would you describe your mood? have you been doing the things you normally do?" he scribbled a few notes down before glancing back up at her.

"it's sort of hard... being the person you were before when something like this happens," she admitted. "i don't usually do much other than school and hang out with friends, but it's been hard with my new 'family'. they want to send me to a public school, which is strange. i'm used to private schooling, but i guess i understand. their son goes there, too." she rambled. dr. harrison had trouble keeping up with her fast-paced speaking. he wrote down much of what he remembered about her statement: it's not what i'm used to. i'm unsure.

"he does? what's his name?" dr. harrison questioned.

sandy rolled her eyes as she spoke. "mikey."

he noted the eye roll. it was a telltale sign of annoyance with the answer, not the question. "he annoys you?"

she hesitated. "he asks too much. he just can't seem to mind his own business," she looked down. her and dr. harrison maintained heavy eye contact, and she was the first to break. "he keeps asking me where my parents got all their money... if i have their money since i'm an only child... why i haven't gotten the money yet. it's because the bank doesn't want to give a seventeen year old all that money at once. besides, i don't necessarily want it."

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