Chapter 14

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Life went on, as it always did. Kula tried to stop it, tried to freeze time in her room and stay there forever, but it didn't work.

Kula didn't speak to Nalia. She didn't speak to anyone, really. She sat in her room and tried to teach herself to read, but it was slow going without Nalia's gentle voice helping her along. She'd eat, sleep. Nothing more. She would rarely leave her room, except to go to the bathroom.

On one such trip, she was met with the surprising sight of Brendan. She'd almost forgotten about the dream, but his face brought it all rushing back.

Still, her heart ached. He really did look like Nalia.

"Hey, Kula. Can I talk to you for a second?"

She stopped, and looked at him. But she couldn't find the energy or will to speak.

"Hi. I just wanted to... see how you were doing. You've been quiet lately."

She just looked down. She really did have to use the bathroom.

"And..." He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Look, I know that I told you to stay away from my sister. But... she's really upset, and she won't tell me why. I... Look, I care about her. And I don't want to see her get hurt, okay? So just... do you know what's bothering her?"

Kula tried hard not to cry. It's because she's afraid of me. "No. Now, if you'll excuse me, I really have to pee." And she pushed by him.

"Talk to her, then." Kula ignored him. "Please. She's been at some level of emotional breakdown ever since you two talked a while back." Still, she ignored him. "What did you do to her?"

Kula's rage inflamed at the words. She was not a violent person, but she turned around and grabbed Brendan's wrist.

"What did I do to her? That's hilarious. You try hearing the one person you really care about on this goddamn planet tell you she's afraid of you. You try that. Then tell me that I should go to her, and help her, and say that it's okay. You try that!" And she stormed off to the bathrooms, where she buried her face in her hands and sobbed. She had overreacted, been immature, but she couldn't help it. Emotions were so intense - it was a wonder that people weren't constantly being swept off their feet. 

A week later, she decided that moping around wasn't helping anyone. So she stood up and walked out the door.

She continued out of the castle, out the gate, through the field, and to the sea. There, she stopped. She allowed the water to swirl around her bare feet. Rain drizzled lightly around her, cool and clean on her skin.

"What did I do?" She found herself saying. "I didn't mean to ruin everything, but I couldn't just... lie. I didn't think I'd have to. I..." she looked down. "I miss her. She's my friend, and I miss her. But I'm angry at her. What kind of sense does that make?"

Paying no heed to her clothes, she took another step into the water, letting it swish around her ankles.

"I'm afraid." Another step. The rain came down harder, and thunder clapped overhead. She didn't care. "I'm afraid that she'll never care about me again. Afraid that I'll lose my one true friend. My one true anything, really. She's the only person I care about. Brendan is... nice, I think, and I want to care about him. But I barely even know him. I care about her. Nalia. And now... now she hates me."

Kula suddenly looked up. She was much deeper than she had realized.

When had it gotten so dark?

The water rocked and frothed. The waves became bigger, and suddenly Kula was afraid.

And then she wasn't on solid ground anymore. 

She desperately tried to swim back to shore, but waves pulled her back out. She struggled to keep her head above the surface, but she couldn't breathe and her arms ached. She couldn't remember how to swim. She tried to scream for help, but no one was there. She was so, totally alone.

"Help!" She screamed until her throat was raw. "He-"

The wave overtook her, and she was plunged down, down, until she couldn't see or tell where she was. Which way was up?

She tried to scream, but she didn't make a sound. Everything hurt. She tried to swim, but it was as if she was made of lead.

And suddenly...

Arms. Strong, lithe arms, grabbing her and pulling her up. She tried to kick, as her chest ached more and more and she needed to-


She was above the water. She couldn't turn to see who it was who saved her. Her eyesight dimmed. She closed her eyes. 

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