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Includes violence! Sorry but things are boring, let's say things go down from here :|

Ethan pov:
I awoke to still pouring rain. It pounded the house I was sure I wasn't gonna be able to go back to bed. I woke up a hour early.... Fuck. I decided mine as well get ready. I got a blue hoodie and some jeans. "I wonder if Alex is still home" I mumbled. I shivered at the thought of his name. Eventually I threw myself back on the bed and played on my phone. Then Somone texted me.

Irish bastard
You feeling any better?

Yeah, sorta

Irish bastard:

Still very tired from the attacks

Irish bastard:
I know how it feels

Well last night I was with Somone and I felt a bit better

Irish bastard:
It was Tyler wasn't it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

What's with that face bitch

Irish bastard:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Irish bastard
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I threw my phone onto the bed. "That asshole" I hissed. Then I noticed I should head out. I picked up my bag. At least it was Friday (the 1st day of school is always on Thursday at my school but this year it was Wednesday idk why). I silently went down stairs and left. Grabbing a umbrella on the way out. It was pouring so hard that I ran to school. I finally saw the huge building and ran even faster as I approached a car came flying at me. Without any hesitation I jumped forward barely missing it landing face first into a puddle. I slowly picked myself up as that person kept driving away. "Bastard" I growled.  I limped towards the school. Eventually I saw Sean standing in the hallway. "Hey eth- OH MY GOD! " he shrieked. He saw my soaking wet face that had a few bloody spots. "Some fucko was driving full speed at me so I jumped away" I mumbled. "Do you need to go to the nurse? " "No, I'll clean off in the bathroom, go off to class I'll be there soon" I told him walking to the bathroom. "Okay!" He told me. As I saw my face in the mirror I was a bit shocked at how it looked. I immediately cleaned myself off. Then I thought, maybe I could wear my glasses.  I got them out and put them on. My vision got so much better. I quickly ran off to class.

~shitty time skip~

Finally lunch rolled around. I met up with the others. "You never wear glasses, what's wrong? " Tyler asked. "I just want to, and I can see way better with them on... Do I look ugly or something? " "No no! You look fine I was just a bit Suprised". Sean nudged me a smirked. I slapped him. " Bitch" I growled.  He looked away. "Guys!! " I heard Mark shriek causing me to nearly fall out of my seat. "WE ARE ALL HANGING OUT AT MY PLACE OVER THE WEEKEND I DEMAND IT!! " he said slamming his tray onto the table.  I nearly fell out of my seat. "Ok then, I'm not busy so why not" I said pissed off. "You don't have a choice, meet me at the court yard at the end of school" "Why don't we have a decision? " Tyler asked very confused. "Because I said so" He told him sticking his tounge out. I was trying to get myself up but failed miserably. Which caused me to fall back. "Fuck! " I cried out as I hit the floor. Tyler stuck his hand over to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. O was a bit Suprised at first but sat down. Sean and Mark grinned. "I swear to God... " I face planted

~another shitty time skip bc of writers block~

I waited in the court yard for everyone I typed away on my phone until I heard somone walking up. I looked up and noticed. "Who is that...? " I tried to ignore that person but then I noticed them trying to get my attention. I pulled one of my ear buds out. "Hm? ". No reply. I looked up to see somebody nearly towering over me. " What" I asked again. Eventually I looked them in the eyes. Cold brown eyes stared back which sent a chill down my spine.  "Um... Hello?"  Finally his face turned sour. "So it's actually you." Venom dripping from every word he spoke. "Yeah sure who are you" "Your the one who started shit with Bob huh? ". I cocked my head. " He started shit with me dude" "Yeah right fucko" He hissed. Before he could do anything else a cold voice called out. "Watch it Spencer". I looked up to find Sean, Tyler and Mark standing near us. I mouthed the words. " Get this bitch away". "Tyler i-" "Scram now" He hissed. Spencer Swiftly got away. "What did he do? " Sean asked. "Acussing me of starting shit with bob" "Just ignore him, now let's go to marks" Sean told me. This was going to be a long night.

Tyler POV
We arrived at his house. Spencer was already starting shit, and out of all people in this fucking school or grade in fact you chose somebody who is mentally suffering and you can tell something is off. Ethan was quiet the car ride there. Apparently mark was the only one out of all of us who actually drove. I guess he planned it. I learned all of our parents were rarely home. When we arrived Mark had everything prepared I was a bit Suprised to be honest.  "Seriously"

Sean face planted. Mark giggled. "I refuse" He hissed. "Yeah no"  Mark grabbed him by the hair. "AYE AYE AYE!! FINE!!" he shrieked.  Me and Ethan sat in the livingroon as Mark pulled him in. I didn't argue with him because I was tired enough. Sean sat down besides me. Ethan was on the floor leaned up against the couch. He laid his head back on it he looked very stressed out. Thankfully he is breathing wasn't hitched or anything. "Hey eth- oh um... Are you ok? " Mark's playfullness slowly faded into concern for him. "Yeah just tired" I've learned over the years that that was always an excuse for somebody who's emotions are slowly killing them, most of the time. He didn't look tired but just very stressed out. I put my hand on his shoulder which caused him to jump a bit. Soon he relaxed and closed his eyes once again. "Do you wanna play? " Mark asked breaking the silence. "Sure why not" Ethan said propping himself up. I took my hand off his shoulder, putting it into my sweatshirt pocket. "So let's go.... Tallest to shortest? " Mark asked setting up the game. "Why not" I told him. "I'll go last for sure, me and Sean are around the same height" Ethan told us. His voice was a bit raspy. "Ok, let's begin"

Ethan POV
We played a few rounds of truth or dare. Untilled finally we were on the last game.  "I know it's supposed to be directed to one person but I just wanna ask it for all of us" Mark told us. I nodded slowly. "Like who's gay and crushing" My face lit up a bit. "I guess it's time to come out, well I guess you guys know already but I'm pretty gay and proud of it" I shrugged.  "You weren't that confident before, what happened? " Sean asked Suprised. "If I don't say anything it will eat me alive so I mine as well should say it, and I'm pretty we are all ok with it right? " I look around then locked eyes with Tyler. "What about you? Never heard what you are" I asked. His face showed a bit of fear. "I'm... C... Confused" He stuttered which to be honest kinda broke my heart a bit. "Maybe I could help you? " I offered. Sean was Suprised that I was all confident but he didn't know how my anxiety was seriously about to kill me. "N.. No it's ok, I'll find out soon" He showed me a weak smile. I weakly smiled back also. Eventually I began to yawn more and more until I passed out. My stress and anxiety completely tired me out. But whatever I laying on was sure as hell warm and comfortable.

Yeah yeah it was a slow update I got my phone taken away and I had a book report so that sucked the motivation right outta me. Yes Ethan has two povs in this one, look I'm fucking tired alright!? As I wrote "warm and comfortable" I shivering in my bed rn, ok bye lil moons

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