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Tyler pov:
After art had ended I had questioned why his face had became so red. Wait you don't think.... No! I shook off that thought. He is NOT gay he can't be! Well, I just started to get to know the kid, so maybe? My thoughts were interrupted by 2 people dart past me. Sean was dragging Ethan out as he screeched. "GET OFF GET OFF GET OFF!!" sean was too busy giggling. I laughed a bit. A few looked at me surprised.
It was finally lunch, it was the 1st day but damn, it was fucking boring. The line was huge so I decided to go to the school store and see what they have. The hallways were booming with rukus, I'm pretty sure there was a riot or something going on. In the 7-8th locker wing there was some sort of fight. Good Lord. I was able to get past the 9th mosh pit. I opened the door to decently small room. There was a cabinet and fridge. It had milk, juice and other bottles of drinks. There was a small area were school apparel and gym uniforms, a small door that way locked up lead to a storage room, and maybe bathroom. Two girls were going through boxes. I ringed a small bell. A Blondie looked up. "Oh hello sir! Welcome to the official high school store!, a list of items we sell is over near the cork board! " I'm pretty sure she was forced to say that. I nodded slowly. She noticed who I was, she tensed up a bit. Then someone's hand from behind the counter, who was squatting punched her hard in the leg. I walked over to a bluish paper. It listed everything in a specific section. I guess all they got are gummies, pop tarts and a few drinks. I don't know how but the girl had stated "I'm sorry sir, our food selections are currently low. Including apparel". " It's ok, I guess I'll have a pop tart and apple juice, how much is it? " My voice was very husky. Fuck. "Why is your voice so husky? " A boy asked as he walked out the back door. The girl that was squatting shot up walking over to the guy. Hood up and slapped him hard. "Don't be rude" She hissed. Her voice was also deep and husky. "Aww the trans is ma-" The Blondie interrupted the boy. "She isn't trans she just has a voice and structure of one! " "She's sorta right and sorta not let's just serve this boy alright" She hissed again. I feel bad for these two being stuck with the dick. "Sorry sir" The hoodie girl said walking to the back room. "It's alright" "Somone get him his stuff, I gotta get stuff from the back" She told them. The boy rolled his eyes while the blond got my stuff. "Hes a asshole" I muttered to her. "I know especially to her" I noticed her name tag. But she quickly gave me my stuff and moved her arms blocking her tag. "3.45" "Alright" I rumaged through my pockets "I only got 3.00" "I'll cover you, now go eat before all the seats are taken" She grabbed my money and I left. The luck room was a decent size. Since I took a minute, the line was almost done and most of the seats were gone. Mark quickly waved me over. I walked over. "Why did you take so long? " "Went to the school store. There was a argument. A asshole boy called  a girl a trans because she has a deep husky voice" "I've seen her around. I feel bad because everyone is calling her trans even though she's a girl." Mark looked at my "lunch", I guess you could call it. " Whatcha got? " "They didn't have much so I got what was cheap" "You could have waited ya know" "In that long of a line? Yeah no" "Wade and bob are already in ISS (in school system)" "Seriously? " "Look at Sean" He pointed behind us. Sean held a ice pack to his head. "Oh" "Ethan got himself punched directly in the gut but he's fine, I think" I don't know why but I was getting a bit pissed. "Who hurt who" "Don't know that's why there was a riot, I only saw Wade and bob get taken away. Sean held his eye slowly crouching.while Ethan was crouched on the ground crying. Apparently Ethan ran in front of Sean before he was hit. " He sounded a bit pissed when he said Sean had held his eye. I grinned a bit. "What's so funny?" "You seem a bit pissed when you menti-" "SHUSH IT" he hissed. "So you know what I'm talking about eh?"." Shut it shcied (¿how do u spell it!?) Or I'll make you shut up. " He said sternly. "Alright fine" I looked back. Ethan was giggling so much, all i could make out over the noise was "he mentioned your name and it sounded like he didn't like it when you got hurt" Sean face was burning red. A idea popped on my head

Ethan pov
We could hear their comment about use getting hurt. And he was right, I got punched because I stepped in front. I dont regret it, well sorta. "he mentioned your name and it sounded like he didn't like it when you got hurt" I giggled. His face burned. "No!!!" He screeched. His Irish accent more visible. I turned around towards the door way out. I noticed Tyler standing there. We locked eyes and he waved me over. I pointed at myself and mouthed "me?" He nodded. I looked around and got up. "Ill be right back, I'll let ya cool down" I smirked. "Fuck off" His Irish accent was think now because I got him worked up. I ran over there. "Yeah? " "I got a idea, follow me I'll tell you in the hallway". Is he gonna do something??. I followed him. The noise faded as we walked into the cool, quiet empty hallway. "What's your idea" "So we heard about the fight, first.. Are you alright? " "Yeah I can walk" "Good, " Did he just say good!? He wasnt sarcastic!. " So Mark and sean obviously like each other. I need your help" "Go on" I smirked. "Oh I thought you would say no" He said surprised. "Nah, I've been shipping them together for awhile they like each other now go on I want this to happen" I said egarly. Still surprised he explained. I nodded. "Let's fucking do this" I can't believe I'm actually being nice to him, he doesn't seem all that bad like I thought. I grabbed his hand and dragged him back into the lunch room. "Your gonna make me fall!" He screeched. "Then keep up with me!" I slammed my hands into the table which scared the hell out of him "fookin hell! " "TRUTH OR DARE NOW NO OPINIONS, JUST GOOOO!! " I was now dragging the two behind me. "T OR D NOW!! " I yelled to mark who looked at me extremely confused. I praticly threw Sean and Tyler at the table. Both being sorta scared at my exitment, they sat down. This was my way to get people to listen to me. After a few rounds, I noticed the time. 6 minutes till the period ends. While mark and Sean weren't looking, I nudged at Tyler and pointed at the clock. He nodded. "Guys let's get this over with. Mark t or d? " Sean and mark looked over. "Dare" We grinned. "Don't be a pussy, kiss Sean. " I grinned. His face burned, including Sean's also. "Fuck it" He growled and pulled Sean in. Without hesitation they kissed. We looked at each other. "Good idea" I told him. He nodded. "What idea? " Sean hissed. We whipped around.  "Oh, when I said I had to go for a minute? Genius over here had a idea to play truth or dare and boom you got yourself a boyfriend" I said evilly. "Well he isn't wrong" Mark smirked grabbing Sean's hand. His face was redder than hell. The bell rung. I had to run before Sean tackled me. I felt happy that those two had no homophobic relatives, well siblings and parents. I was lost in thought that I forgot Sean was running full speed at me. Ouch.

Hey lil moons! I actually tried this time lol. Schools a bitch and my backpack is giving me back problems... Fuck also Tyler actually knows I exist because I'm always at his Tuesday talks. And yesterday I won 1st for the first time in the marbles game. he  saw it. And he also won the marbles thing for the 1st time. That was funny. Funny thing is, it was at 666subs...ok I'll stop my rambling want screen shots? Go to my Twitter *deleted account*, ok bye lil moons!! 🌙🖤

oh, what high school will bringحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن