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⬆That's a pic of Tyler at twitchcon he had gotten pied, I'm scared also this is funny, the chapter is not ⬆

Tyler pov:
School had finally let out. The thing is I'm going to be going home. To my parents... Why is it so bad? You'll figure out soon. I had secretly left 10 minutes before dismissal. I wanted to get home before my parents but I bet I couldn't. It was a chilly afternoon. I was hoping I could make it but I knew that they would come home early just to "see" Me. I kinda wished I could walk home with somebody but who? I couldn't really think because I was focused on getting home quickly. Eventually I made it home. I was right. My parents were sitting at the, table bickering about something. Guess who's gonna get another lecture. I couldn't wait to go back to Cincinnati and presue my dream leaving all my issues behind me. "Sit now" My dad growled. "Fine" I hissed back. I sat down in one of the chairs. "What did you do today" My mom asked. Venom dripping from her words. "Do work" I mumbled. "Find a girlfriend" "No" "Well you should damn it" "I'm not having this conversation" I said tiredly. I wasn't in the mood to argue with then at this point. Before they started to rant I got up and left drowning out what they were saying. I dropped all my stuff and threw myself into bed. This day has gone from bad to good to horrible quickly. Then my phone started to buzz like crazy. Your fucking serious. I picked it up. I was put into some groupchat.

(207) ***-****:
So who has math last period?

(207) ***-****:
Me... How did you not see me?

(207) ***-****:
I was nearly passing out

Sucks no be you huh?

(207) ***-****:
Get your boyfriend to stop being mean >:(

Don't be a pussy

(207) ***-****:

(207) ***-****:
If you guys don't stop I will wack both of you guys in the head with my chrome book

Ok fiiiine

(207) ***-****

(207) ***-****:
Don't test me

HA! And I'm the moderator of the chat, I can kick you >:)

(207) ***-****
Speaking of that, I can't view the contact list, it says we have four people here who else is here?

Wait a sec
Can you view it now?

(207) ***-****
Yeah, but I don't know who it is

Mark explain now


(207) ***-****:
Who is this!? Mark won't fucking tell me

Eth it's just Tyler

(207) ***-****:

(207) ***-****:
I leave to go down stairs for a second to come back to you guys arguing.

Wait a sec

Mark named (207) ***-**** to bluebird
Mark named (207) ***-**** to green bean
Mark named (207) ***-**** to stone face
Mark named (207) ***-**** to Markimoo



Stone face:
Damn it with the name

Green bean:
I sorta like mine

I'm not changing it

Stone face
Anyways, why am I here

Just wanted to put some friends in a groupchat

So..... My parents want me

Green bean:
Are you going to be ok?


Stone face:
What does he mean?

He'll explain it to you Tomorrow

Ethan  POV
Oh great. My parents called for me. Venom dripped from their words. I started to shake. N... No! Anxiety no!! I sheepishly walked down stairs. "I heard from Alex, you were talking to some boys and no girls" My dad hissed. I avoided eye contact. "And got beaten to a pulp" I heard Alex hiss from behind me. "Weak". I just wanted to run away to never see any of them again. " It's pathetic that you get beaten to a pulp on the first day for you that gay kid, and in fact he turned you gay" Alex hissed again. My mom  was standing there silently but I could see the pure anger in her face.i just walked away drowning out their words. "GET BACK HERE!! " I heard one of them cry. Ever since Alex walked into our lives, he ruined everything. They used to love me until he came and poisoned their minds. He told them how gay was wrong and horrible, and it was around the time me and Sean had officially found out our sexuality. I hated how he just walked on in like he  owned us. Fucking horrible. I shut my door quickly locking it realising I left a conversation, they could come after me and hurt me. I couldn't let my anxiety control me not this time damn it. I immediately searched for my phone. I texted the group chat.

I need help now
Someone please answer

What's wrong?

It hurts to breathe
I feel dizzy

I dropped my phone. I was starting to pass out


I could see someone texting me,  I'm pretty sure it was still.... Tyler? I really didn't know at this point. Then I heard my phone going off. I weakishly pulled my phone to press the button to answer. "Are you there!? Are you ok!? " I heard him ask. "Y.... Yeah" "Stay on the phone with me ok" He said. Fear apparent in his voice. "I'm going to invite Mark and Sean into the chat ok? " I weakly said "ok" After a few minutes I heard Mark and Sean's frantic voices. "I'm coming over there Ethan! " Sean said. His voice was cracking everytime he spoke. "R.. Remember our secret w.. Way? " I asked "of course" My breathing became more hitched. "Hurry please" I whinned as tears started to fall.  I started to blackout. The last thing I heard before the world went black was "we are all coming! "

I was so tempted to write (315) instead of (207) because 315 is New York area code and I live in NY so  I'm more used to writing 315 😂  also oooh something sad! I hate myself too. As I'm writing this I'm listening to cat dealers- your body and I'm debating if I should make a warfstashe/dark animatic even though I'm working on something else lol and I won't be updating much because my internet best friend is finally back to I'm going to be talking to him a lot his SonicRiders0 but I don't think he's active anymore :, (.... Ight bye lil moons! 🌙🖤

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