Chapter 3 - Planet Chimeara [Edited]

Start from the beginning

"What did you say?" Tiz asked in plain curiosity.

Anger bubbled in the pit of my stomach suddenly, in frustration and humiliation for being played around with by these people. Surely they were making a fun of me.

"Are you having fun messing with me?" I hissed.

"Why would we do that? We're not benefitted by it in any way," said Thor before introducing himself and hisbtwo friends. "My name is Thor. This is Tiz and he's Third. We are the leaders of the Ochre Ring, with me being the Top. What is your name?"

"Ahain with that nonsense! Don't meas with me!" I spat, stumbling a moment. "I hate people who lie, and I hate people who think they need to pity me."

Third seemed amused by my words and behavior, and said after a chuckle, "It seems that we've got ourselves a rebel."

I shot him a glare and directed it towards Thor when he sighed and spoke again, "Just calm down. Whether you believe us or not, it wont change the fact that you were sent to this planet. I was quite frustrated when I first arrived here too, but in order to survive, it's better not to bee too uptight and rebellious. I came from Planet Junoh and I know of someone who came from one of the more unstable planets. Which planet are you from?"

It was a moment before I answered, as a lot of thoughts flooded my mind, the most prominent being the fact that I had been attacked by a huge, bulbous plant just before I passed out. The vegetation I had seen in the few moments after I had exited the space pod was not anything familiar...surely, even if I had been sent to a different country on Earth, some bit of the vegetation should have been recognisable as common plants around the world.

What if these three were telling the truth? What if I really was on some forsaken planet, in the Balkan System no less? What had happened to Tae Hyun? What about his wedding with Grace? What about...home?

Closing my eyes, I exhaled deeply to regain composure and just enough courtesy to speak with the three in front of me without lashing out.

I met Thor's blue eyes and said, "I'm from Planet Earth, from the Solar System."

It was odd that the air around them suddenly seemed tense. I half expected them to laugh at me or make me seem like a fool again - I hated the situation I was in, never having been like this before. It was all the more pathetic because my head spun and everything around me became fuzzy for a moment before I stumbled on my feet. I was about to collapse onto the floor again but Thor caught me against himself. An uncomfortable warmth spread over my torso and I had absolutely no energy to move.

"She's bleeding again!" Tiz hollered and I was immediately lifted into Thor's arms and rushed into the building. I wanted to struggle to make him let go of me but I couldn't - I felt so weak that I could barely lift an arm.

We were back in the room I had woken up in a few moments later and Thor put me down on the bed gently. He and Third left the room while Tize remained to undress me and treat my wounds. She applied strange smelling salves that burner my wounds and elicited hisses from me before rebandaging my torso neatly. She helped me put on a clean shirt before letting Thor and Third back inside.

My eyes were slightly unfocused as I stared into the nothingness in front of me. While Thor and tiz took seats next to the bed I was on, Third stood leaning against the wall a little away.

"Are you really from Earth? You said you don't like liars, so you shouldn't be lying either," Third spoke first. His voice was laced with suspicion as well as annoyance.

His words had me scoffing snd looking away. These three had saved me and I was grateful to them for that but I was not ready accept strangers in the least, especially ones who had such crappy attitudes.

Te Wo Tsunaide - A Jyu Oh Sei, Thor Love Story [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now