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Yuzuki's POV:

Azusa walked in, one of his hands fidgeting with his bandages while the other held one of his precious knives. His eyes were dark, a smile planted on his lips.


"Did the pain....feel good...Yuzu?"

"Ah, the masochist. I certainly wasn't expecting this."

"Will...you give me....pain too?"

"Azu-chan! I told you to stop thinking like that!"

Azusa's smile turned into a frown and he nodded, looking a bit apologetic. Kino sighed before standing up, his grip still on my arm.

"Is this all you brought? A measly knife?"

"Please...don't say....mean things....about my...knife."

"I was hoping for a stronger opponent but if you're the one Yuzuki loves, then I'm sure this will somewhat satisfy me."

Kino snapped his finger and three dark figures appeared. Slowly, the dark disappeared from around them, revealing one male and two females. Azusa's eyes widened as he dropped the knife, his face showing pure joy.

"Justin...Christina...Melissa... you guys came...back."

"Those three...Aren't they the ones who beat you up?!"

But Azusa didn't answer, only continued to stare at the three with a dazed look on his face.

"Yes. I looked into his memory and brought his worst nightmare.... or should I say his best friends back to life. It's a spell that puts him in his own world, his surroundings disregarded."

"What are you trying to do?"

Kino let go of my arm, instantly teleporting in front of Azusa. His hand moved towards Azusa's neck, a sadistic grin on his face.

"I'm going to get rid of this bug."

I felt my body moving on its own, running at the speed of a bullet train, tackling Kino to the floor.

"Like hell you will." I hissed.

Kino pushed me to the side, walking back towards Azusa but I kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying out the window. I used that opportunity to stand in front of Azusa, slapping his cheeks lightly.

"Azu-chan, look at me!"

He didn't, only continued to stare off, a lost look in his eyes. He started moving towards them at a slow pace, the three figures instantly becoming ghouls, their mouths open and ready to eat the vampire in front of them. I gasped, pushing Azusa back with all my strength but for some reason, he was able to use more force to push forward. Planting my feet firmly into the ground, I quickly summoned chains around mine and Azusa's legs. The ghouls made noises of disapproval and moved to stop me but I set them on fire, disregarding them.

"Azu-chan, you need to look at me."

I grabbed his cheek to force him to face me but his eyes stayed set on the burning bodies behind me.

"Azu-chan..." I cried.

I stood on my tip-toes, sealing our lips together, the saltiness of my tears mixing in. Azusa's eyes widened and the haze from his eyes quickly lifted. I closed my eyes before making a noise of surprise as Azusa deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue gently past my lips. We both pulled away when there was a growl coming from beside us, both a bit breathless and red in the face.

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