The Past .2

522 17 23

Location: The Ark


"What's on the itinerary today, sweetheart?" My dad strolled into the living room and ruffled my hair like usual.

Deep, dark bags sagged below his lustreless green eyes. His coppery hair wasn't neatly styled like how it used to be, before mum got ill. The way my dad always tried to look his best had been something my mum admitted she liked a lot. I think he used to take extra, extra care to impress my mum, which I found endearing.

Now, my dad's old, rugged look had become more dishevelled. He didn't shave his beard as regularly either. To Orion and I, his lack of self-care had become apparent. 

"Orion is taking me on a date!" I beamed. Orion had asked me yesterday and from that second onward I'd been excited for something. It wasn't our first date, yet I still got giddy like a love sick puppy and embraced the flutter of butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh really?" My dad raised his eyebrows.


My dad looked at me with a big cheesy grin. "Well, aren't you a little eager beaver?" He teased. 

"Yes! Definitely!"

He chuckled deeply and opened up his arms for me. I leapt into his embrace and melted. I hugged him back just as tightly. We both needed solace, even so I believed my dad needed it more. My large grin fell to a sad, soft smile as my dad rested his head atop mine and gave a short squeeze. 

"I know things haven't been easy for us as a family. And I know it must be tough for you not having both of your parents there for you often. But, I'm happy that you've got Orion here for you. And I like that he makes my baby girl happy."

I blinked away tears that welled up at how unguarded my dad sounded. "Thanks, Dad."

"Remember I'll always be here for you, okay?"

"No matter what?"

"No matter what." One last squeeze and he pulled away. "When will Orion be here?"

A firm knock replied to my dad. Orion emerged seconds later with a bright smile.

"Hi, Mister Taylor. How are you?"

"I'm good thanks, son," my dad nodded.

"I was going to take Eden on a date. Is that alright with you?"

My dad chuckled. "And this is why I will always like you. Nobody loves and cherishes Eden like Iris and I, but you come a close second. With your manners and respect, you can take my daughter on as many dates as you like. Just do not get my baby pregnant."

"Dad that's really sweet but stop now," I whined with an embarrassed chuckle. Every now and then he'd say something similar, it made me gush and blush all at the same time.

Orion and I had been together for almost three years. Two years and ten months to be exact.

I remembered when I spoke to my mum about sex properly for the first time. It had been so awkward yet easy. Then, I remembered the traumatised face my dad wore for hours when he'd see Orion and I together, because my mum had told him that Orion and I were active. Those bittersweet memories always came back to my mum and how much I needed her.

"Sorry. Sorry. Go and have a nice time."

I smiled and skipped over to Orion. He gave me a short hug and peck on the lips before whisking me away.

"So, where are we going?"

Our joined hands swung between us as we made our way through metal halls.

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