Chapter 2: Don't Fan Girl

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*Edited* I'm sorry if you guys don't like the direction I'm gonna take this in, but I feel like the original way was a bit too cheesy. Any way, here you go! 

*Kristens's POV*

I laughed and hit his shoulder, "I know who you are." Okay, don't fangirl. He's a person. Just a normal person. Composure, just don't get lost in his eye's or you'll zone out Kristen. I thought to myself.

"So... You're name is?" he asked me for the second time.

"Oh, um,  er, um" I stammered picking up the leash that Taylor was attached to, thank god she was good and didn't run off. "K-K-Kristen... Gara" I said looking Louis over twice, then our eyes locked. I shyly looked away only to check him out for a third time. Damn i thought.

"Like what you see Kristen?" Louis was smiling wider than he should have.

"Oops, did i say that out loud?" I looked away extremely embarrassed. He chuckled ligtly in response.

"So Kristen, how old are you? Obviously your from around here" Louis said

"Oh ha. Um yea. I'm 20. Yeah I'm from around here I live just up the street there" I turned around pointing at my apartment building.

"Live by your self?" flashing me one of his adorable smiles. Was he trying to flirt with me?

"Yeah I used to live with my best friend, but we decided as much as we love each other we needed our space. So we're neighbors now." I laughed thinking about our living situation. It was practically like we still live with each other. We just have separate places to keep our junk.

We reached my apartment complex after a few moments of silence. "Mind if i come in then?" He smiled looking down at my small give foot frame. Wait did he just ask me if he could come in? Oh god.. Celebrity is asking to come into my apartment. Compose yourself.

"Oh... Sure!" I tried not to sound surprised.

"Thanks," He paused, "I-I just don't feel like getting mobbed by fans today." he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. He must have understood I was surprised.

"It's fine" I said as we walked in. "Would you fancy any tea?" I asked faking a British accent walking into the kitchen. He chuckled but nodded.

"Whats to funny?" I asked laughing along.

"That's the worst accent I've ever heard, " he laughed again.

He stopped laughing trying to put a serious face on, "So are you a fan?" he asked his face full of curiosity, "You knew who I was." 

"I wouldn't say fan" I half laughed. He frowned and tilted his head. 

"Why not?" He questioned. 

"I mean I like your music, don't get me wrong. I just kind of grew out of the whole fan girl thing." I said trying not to hurt his feelings. 

"No I get it... You hate me," Louis said dramatically spinning around in the bar stool he was sitting on. 

*Louis' POV*

"No, I get it... You hate me," I joked spinning my back toward the breathtakingly beautiful girl. 

"Louis.." Kristen paused walking up behind me. "That's nowhere near true" She whispered in my ear as she turned me back around. My breath hitched in my throat. Her face was centimeters away from mine. Her perfect plump lips naturally pouted, and her big Bambi eyes stared straight into mine. I held back the urge to kiss this girl that I barely knew. Her leg moved slightly to the side brushing my hip bone. I felt a pressure growing in my pants as the gap closed between our two bodies. Jesus what was this girl doing to me? I thought as her arms reached around the back of my neck to give me a hug. 

"I...I have to use the loo" I blurted pulling her off me. 

"Oh. It's um, down the hall to the left." She muttered, seeming un-pleased. I thanked her and walked down the hall, opening the door of what I thought was the bathroom. Instead I came across a room lined with ribbons from... horseback riding? and a pile of things sitting in the corner. Quietly I entered the room and walked over to the pile of things. On the top was a One Direction black and red jacket that resembled Zayn's old one. I chuckled a bit as I laid that on the floor next to me to reveal the biggest collection of posters of my face I had ever seen. There were posters of the other boys too, but there were clearly more of me. 

"Looks like someone has a secret favorite band." I mumbled to myself just as Kristen stomped in. I guess I wasn't supposed to see this. "Nice little collection you got here," I laughed hoping she would understand my curiosity. 

"Of all the places in the apartment, you mistake this room for the 'bathroom'." She sassed looking worried at the pile of One Direction things behind me.  Man she was cute when she was worried.

"It was an honest mistake" I said, closing the gap between us.  I could smell her minty fresh breath once again. She giggled as I dramatically put one hand on her cheek and the other around the back of her wast to pull her closer. I leaned in leaving our lips barely touching. "You're driving me crazy and I don't even know you," I whispered pulling my head back to look into her eyes. She leaned in again, passing my lips allowing hers to touch my ear. 

"I want to get to know the real you. Not the ones in interviews and magazines. The real honest to God you. Then we'll talk about anything further." She pulled back and looked at me dead in the eyes. I couldn't resist anymore. I pecked her lips just enough to let me taste the strawberry lip balm she had on and pulled away once again. She laughed and wiggled out of my grip. "Straight forward, and to the point. I like you." She laughed once more as she sauntered away back to the kitchen. 

Look After You (Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon