Chp 7: Heartbreak

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Jelena:(cuddled on Justin's bed napping)

Jasmine:(screaming in the living room section)

Selena:(sits up) Logan and Jasmine are fighting again(sighs)

Justin: Ignore them I want to cuddle

Selena:(hears Jasmine crying and slam the door) I have to see what is wrong

Justin:(groans and gets up) Let's go

Selena: Just me(walks out seed Logan sitting there frustrated) What is going on?

Logan: Nothing Selena just go back to your boyfriend

Selena: Jasmine is my friend we can cuddle later(walks out sees Jasmine in tears) Hey what's wrong?

Jasmine: He broke up with me saying he loved another girl(wipes her tears) Am I not good enough?

Selena:(sits down and hugs her) No not even you are amazing

Jasmine:(cries) The only two guys I ever loved dumped me

Selena: Was one of those Justin?

Jasmine:(nods) But I mean that does not hurt anymore this does. I mean I wasn't even good enough for my father to stay

Selena:(hugs her) Hey you are amazing Jasmine.

Demi:(walks out) What happened?

Miley: Who is crying?

Selena: Logan broke up with her

Jasmine:(cries) He said he loved another girl, Who?

Demi:(knows who it is) I will be right back(walks into the suite sees Justin and Logan talking slaps him) Back off Lerman

Logan: Ow wtf?

Demi: I know the other girl you love

Logan:(eyes widen) No you don't she is from the island

Demi: Sure she is(slaps him again) you try anything I will break your leg(smiles at Justin) Good day Bieber (struts out)

Logan: She is so-

Niall:(behind them sighs) I know right?

Justin: He loves her bitchy side.

Nick:(laughs) He says it's hot

Logan: whatever I need a walk(walks out sees Jasmine and the girls hugging backs up quietly and walks to the elevator).

Selena:(sees him glares) I have to go

Jasmine:(stands up) I am fine girls(walks into the suite)

Selena:(about to leave)

Miley: Where are you going?

Selena: to kick ass

Miley:(nods) Have fun(walks into her suite)

Demi: Be careful Selena

Selena: I can handle myself(walks to the elevator)

Logan:(sees the doors open sees Selena tries close it)

Selena:(puts her arm between the doors climbs on) How could you Logan? She is so crushed

Logan: I can't lead her on when I love another girl. It is not fair

Selena:(angry) I don't believe you love another girl. I believe you just can't commit so you lied.

Logan: Not true Selena now get off the elevator

Selena: I don't believe you. I mean you could not even tell who it is.

Logan: Because I don't want to hurt her and ruin a good friendship

Selena: You love Miley?

Logan:(sees they are at the lobby steps out) No Selena think for a second

Selena:(realizes it's her as the doors shut let's the elevator go back up gets off at her floor still in shock)

Justin:(smiling sees her face frowns) What is wrong?

Selena:(shakes her head) I am hitting the hotel gym(walks to her room sees Jasmine feels guilty runs into her room sees Miley)

Miley: What is wrong?

Selena: Nothing I am going to the gym
(Slips on her sneakers and walks to the stairs runs down 8 flights)

-In the gym-

Selena:(sighs sees Logan about to walk out)

Logan:(puts the bar down down sees her) Selena

Selena:(keeps walking)

Logan:(runs after her) We need to talk about-

Selena: Nothing Logan I am Engaged and I am friends with Jasmine

Logan:(kisses her)

Justin:(walks up at that moment)

Selena:(shoves him off) Justin

Justin:(hurt walks off)

Selena:(looks at Logan) I hate you stay away from me(runs after Justin)

Justin:(walking to the elevator)

Selena:(in tears) Justin

Justin: Not even Selena

Selena:(sees the elevator doors shut slides down the wall crying)

Logan:(sees her feels bad leaves)

Selena:(sees Jasmine standing above) it was not me I

Jasmine: I saw everything don't worry he is just an ass

Selena: will Justin figure that out?

Jasmine: I hope(hugs her)

Selena:(cries into her shoulder)

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