Final Chap- Bahama wedding pt2

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S/n sorry for long wait I just lost inspiration but I heard a song today that inspired me.

Miley:(nervous finishes getting around)

Justin:(walks in sees her) You look beautiful cousin

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Justin:(walks in sees her) You look beautiful cousin

Miley:(hugs him) I'm marrying the man I love. How is this gonna change things?

Justin:(laughs) Not much you already live with him. Now let's get ready the girls are ready

Selena:(runs out)lets go nick is so excited

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Selena:(runs out)lets go nick is so excited

Group:(walks out)

Jasmine:(walks in first)

Sel&Dem:(walk in together)

Miley:(walks in with Justin and smiles seeing nick smiling at her)

Justin:(makes it up and let's Miley to nick)

Pastors: The vows

Nick: I fell for you at 14. You are my sunshine and my crazy weirdo. You got temper but a heart of gold and you are adorable. I love your everything. I want you and only you. I promise you my heart. I never want someone besides you. As john legend says because all of me loves all of you.


Selena:(cries) Awww

All look at her

Selena: I am sorry(laughs and sips her mouth.)

Miley: I am way tempered and you accept all my stuff. I know I'm a lot to handle(people laugh) It's true. I have never loved another like I love you. I would be lost without you. Your love is my drug lol. Mine isn't as sweet but it's from the heart. I never want to be with anyone but you because you are my better half.


Pastor: Now nick do you take her to have and hold through sickness and health for richer or poorer until death do you part?

Nick:(grabs Miley's hand) I do

Nick:(slides ring on and follows what the minister says to say)

Miley: Before you ask I do

Everyone laughs

Miley: Oh hush(does the same thing Justin did)

Pastor: Who gives this woman away?

Justin: I do

Pastor: Now if their are no objection


Pastor: Then I pronounce you man and wife kiss the bride

Niley:(kiss and everyone cheers)

-During the reception-

Miley: It's weird having the hotel staff as my guests

Jasmine:(laughs) Well at least you got married

Miley: Oh I thought I was dumb(pretends to be snarky)

Jasmine: No you and nick are just different

Justin:(clinks his glass) I got a toast to Miley and Nick. Miley was the only real in my family who ever really loved me and Well I loved her. I met Nick that day and I wanted to punch him(people laugh) He was taking my best friend. However, I gained a brother from another mother. You two bring each other so much love and true happiness. I wish you happy endings and true blessings. To nick and Miley.

crowd: To Nick and Miley

Jasmine: Ok my speech time. I met Miley like really met her when I started dating that dork of a guy of there who is with the second hottest girl here tonight. Mi and I didn't always see eye to eye because I was trouble. We became real friends when my parents forgot my birthday and Justin told it was my birthday. She treated me to Burger King and ice cream. She then had the staff sing to me and they were not pleased(laughs again in crowd Jasmine starts to tear up) She is the most precious gift in the entire world. Nick you better treat her right and give that girl all the loves she deserves

Crowd claps

Demi:(hugs her) Beautiful speech

Nick: I will miss us. We started as somewhat stranger and now life long friends.

Group:TO Us

Logan:(sitting by himself angry)

Niall: Looking at the loser pouting(group laughs)

Dear readers,

I will be working on a sequel that is caught up to the current year. Sorry again for the wait

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