Chapter Seven: Soccer Club

Start from the beginning

"Then it's fine," Reiner says. "Nothing to worry about. You're just overthinking stuff." Reiner ends his mini pep talk or lecture (both seem like suitable ways of describing it in this situation). Then, a thought hits him like a fifteen-foot armoured freight train. "Mikasa, do you have a crush on Eren?" He bluntly asks.

Mikasa's face starts to burn up. The heat rushing to her face paints her a new shade of red. "WHAT!!" Mikasa yells again, louder than before. Mr Shadis quickly leaves his office and demands they keep the noise down before going back to his solitude.

Reiner asks the question for a second time. He also promises to keep the answer to himself and not tell anyone else. Mikasa in return turns her gaze away from him. She is trying to focus on anything besides Reiner and his crazy questions. "I think it's pretty obvious and your reaction basically gives me my answer."

"Sh-shut up."

"I won't ask again if you tell me. That's a warriors promise." Reiner says. A warrior's promise holds high value in the village that Reiner grew up in and Mikasa knows this. She opens her mouth to talk, filling Reiner with hope of getting confirmation of his suspicions when suddenly Eren walks out of the changing room. He is dressed in full kit besides his boots and shin pads. Mikasa and Reiner turn their attention to him. Reiner sees someone who has the worst timing ever while Mikasa sees the end of her current conversation. Their expressions completely contrasting the others.

"Have I got something on my face?" Eren asks. Mikasa and Reiner both shake their heads in unison. What the hell has he walked into Eren wonders?

                    Mikasa isn't the biggest fan of soccer, but having Eren by her side did spark some interest. The two of them are currently sat on the side line watching 'how the soccer team do things around here' to quote Mr Shadis. He wore a proud grin while saying this which confused her. The soccer team was underperforming and hasn't achieved anything in quite some time.

While the two of them are watching, Eren makes the observation that the team's defence would improve greatly with Connie in it. "Yeah, even I can see that!" Mikasa says. The two of them laugh. At this point, they are more engaged with each other. A consequence of watching what has been a pretty boring game. They don't realise Mr Shadis blowing the whistle for half time and making his way over to them.

"Yeager! Get your boots on. You're coming on for Jean." Mr Shadis yells interrupting Eren and Mikasa's conversation. Eren does as he is told, lacing up his green boots in the special way he has since young. Meanwhile, a less than impressed Jean makes his way to the bench. Coming on for Jean causes Eren mixed feelings. He wanted to go up against him again and beat him on the pitch. Then again, if he makes a bigger impact on the game than Jean, doesn't that achieve the same thing? With his laces tied and shin pads strapped, he makes his way to his teacher saying goodbye to Mikasa.

"So, Yeager, where do you play?"

"I can play just behind the striker in the ten, out wide or upfront. I'm comfortable with all of those and even a bit deeper if needed."

Mr Shadis start noting things down on his whiteboard and gathers everyone (including Jean but not Mikasa for obvious reasons) and starts to explain the plan for the second half of this training match. They are going to try out a 4-3-3 formation dropping the usual 4-4-2 they play. Reiner is given the role of playing as the sole striker with Eren playing just behind him.

With each player having received their instructions, they get ready to kick off the second half. The scores are tied at 0-0 after the even and uneventful first forty-five. Jean is being forced to stand with Mr Shadis leaving Mikasa on her phone. Her phone acting as temporary entertainment.

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