Chapter Seventeen: Truth or Dare

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Evening has well and truly settled in and so the gang have returned to the cabin after their day out in the wild. The wood fire burns bright illuminating the living room with most of them embracing its warmth up close sitting on the coffee table. Behind that is one large couch and two other armchairs by its side on an angle. Armin, Mikasa and Annie are sat on the couch, Armin and Annie reading while Mikasa sketches some of the sights from earlier. Eren stands, leaning on the couch, occasionally stealing glances at what Mikasa is drawing while holding a Monday Night Football with Jean and the rest of the soccer squad. Speaking of which, Jean and Marco are playing some foosball which is on the same side of the room that Christa and Ymir are watching back some footage they recorded. Mainly, of Eren dunking Connie into the river.

 "Hey guys! I have an idea," Sasha announces. "Truth or dare!" They all seem to come to a unanimous agreement, moving the coffee table to one side so they can all gather in front of the fire in a semi circle like shape. The game starts pretty tame as you would probably expect with the rotation being once you are asked, you get to choose someone else and ask them. Currently, it is Sasha's turn to ask someone. "Eren, dare or dare?"

"Isn't it Truth or Dare?"

"Yeah but everyone's picked truth so far so I wanna spice things up."

"Rigggggght. Dare, I guess."

"Ooooo feeling daring today are we? Okay so, I dare youuuu to, hmmmm, kiss the cutest person in the room," Sasha says giggling. Everyone in the room suddenly perks up. An air of anticipation and excitement. A hint of worry and concern. Eren touches the base of his neck and lowers his gaze, trying not to accidentally cause any suggestion or rumours. Unfortunately, his eyes betray him and he can't help but look at the raven haired girl. You know which one. "So, what's the forfeit for Yeager not doing the dare?" 

"Hold on a sec, I'm thinking." Eren says. 

Thinking about who's the cutest?"

"Thinking about why you're such an asshole."

"Idea! Ten second count down or Eren has to give all of us an I owe you."


"4!" Eren squeezes his eye shut and lets out a puff of air. Fine. It's just a dare anyway. He leans forward to get up and—

"What the was that?!" Ymir yells and all heads turn to the window she's pointing at. It's so dark outside and so they can't really see anything. Berthold and Reiner go to look outside the window and, there's nothing there? 

"What did you see?" Reiner asks not wanting to discredit Ymir or push whatever she thinks she saw to the side and come across as ignorant. 

"I could have swore I saw a person."

"You snuck some alcohol with you?" Connie jokes. A joke which is met swiftly with a punch on his arm.
"Did you guys see anything?" Jean asks.
"Not a thing." Berthold adds.
"Then I guess we better get back to the game, huh. Yeager, it's your turn to ask," Jean says.
"But the dare—"
"Truth or Dare, Jean," Eren quickly asks.
                    It's now deep into the night, past midnight, and tiredness is starting to set in amongst everyone. They all agree it is perhaps time to call it a night. There is one room for all the girls and opposite it there is one room for all the guys. They all say goodnight one last time except for Connie and Sasha who need to check something one last time. "You got what you need?" Connie asks. Sasha shakes a big bottle of water in his face. 
"You?" Sasha asks and Connie gestures to his phone. They high five before going their own ways. Connie putting an arm and Eren's shoulder as the walk in while Sasha quickly catches up to Mikasa.
In the guys room, they do as guys do and talk a whole lot of nonsense, soccer, games, and more nonsense with the occasional smart thought by Armin and Marco. In the ladies, however, they are having more...interesting talks. "So, who do you think Eren would have kissed?"
"Yeah, one hundred percent."
The one in question is taken aback. "What makes you guys so sure about that?"
"Girl, have you not seen the way he looks at you?" Ymir asks. "It's the same look Potato girl gives to meat."
"He just wants to snatch you off your feet and mwah!" Sasha mimics the actions she describes. Her playing the role of Eren while a pillow plays the role of Mikasa. Mikasa's cheeks go flush as she rubs the tip of her nose.
"Guys, please. It could have been anyone. The dare was prettiest person after all."
They all stare at Mikasa blankly. "And in the eyes of someone in love no one is prettier than the one they love," Christa says.
"Besides," Ymir smirks. "It's not like you two haven't shared a kiss already."
"So true." Sasha adds. Mikasa raises a hand to her mouth, her fingers tracing her lips and her mind trying to find where. "It was indirect sure but still."
"An indirect kiss?" Mikasa asks.
"An indirect kiss is the act of touching your lips to an object and the other person doing the same." Annie adds. Everyone looks at her confused as to how she of all people knows that. "What? It's a popular trope in fiction."
"Anyway, like Annie said. You and Mr Yeager have done just that."
"At the last soccer game when you gave him your water. Your lips, his lips, one bottle." Ymir laughs and the rest join in once they notice how red Mikasa has gotten particular in the ear.
"That means nothing! I've shared bottles with loads of people. Boys and girls."
Ymir gasps. "Mikasa you slut!" she jokes but just to really get across that she is joking, she hugs her friend. 

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