Chapter Fifteen: Last Minute Shopping

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The midterm holidays are finally here after all the build up. Exams? Done. Cup game? We got there in the end. Now, it's time for the students to enjoy themselves and recharge over the week break so they can do it all again when they get back. The sun is out and a slight cool breeze accompanies it. The gang have agreed to meet at the mall today to grab a few things before their trip and hang out. Eren and Armin, embracing the summer fashion of T-shirts and shorts, are taking a slight detour to go pick up Mikasa from the Ackerman Café. Her early shift should be coming to an end soon. "So, remind me how long we will be gone again?" Eren asks.

"Two days, one night. We leave early Saturday morning and come back Sunday evening." Armin sips some water. "This way Mikasa can help out at her shop and you can do this secret project of yours." The two boys turn onto the main street and the café comes into view. From first inspection, it looks quite busy and the closer they get the busier it looks. They eventually make their way into the shop and a clutter of people surround the space in front of them.

"Oh, hey guys," Mikasa calls from behind the counter. Her hands full as she dances past tables to give the orders to the right customers.

"Looks like you've got your hands full," Eren points out stating the obvious. He nudges Armin with his elbow and they give each other a nod.

"Well, you aren't the only one with fancy footwork, Mr Yeager." Mikasa looks back towards her friends but they aren't by the front entrance anymore. In fact, they seem to be making their way towards the back of the shop. Eren heading towards the kitchen and Armin the service window. "Uh, what are you guys doing?"

Armin smiles brightly. "Helping of course."

Similar activities take place in the kitchen. Only, Eren sneaks up on Mrs Ackerman and, after dodging a swinging ladle, he explains that he is here to help.

"Oh." She lowers the ladle. "Hehe, you don't have to dear. You have plans from what I hear so you should go do that. I can't ask this of you." Mrs Ackerman says as she turns her attention back to the bubbling, aromatic soup.

"Course you can, Mrs Ackerman. You help my mom when work gets on top of her so this is the least we can do." Eren grabs a white apron of the hook and washes his hands.


"Armin's out front helping Mikasa."

The orders get out at a more steady pace. Mrs Ackerman shows Eren the basics of prepping the food and he grasps it enough pretty quickly. This allows Mrs Ackerman to focus on the hot beverages. In between her brewing, Mrs Ackerman watches over Eren's shoulder. She's used to doing this since it is usually Mikasa in the kitchen with her and she was prone to needing a few reminders of how things should be served and prepared. This isn't the case with Eren, however, and Mrs Ackerman is left impressed.

An hour or so later, the large volume of people finally seems to be dying down. The number of orders ease and the workload becomes far more manageable. Mrs Ackerman and Eren quickly finish the remaining orders before heading to the shop front.

"Thanks a bunch, kids. Without your help, this could have got a lot messier." Mrs Ackerman thanks the trio and brew them complimentary drinks. They sit and chat, serving the occasional customer that comes in. Suddenly, Mikasa's, Armin's and Eren's phones all buzz.

"Oh shoot. It's from Sasha. They are all at the mall already and waiting for us," Mikasa says.

"You three should run along. I've kept you far too long and Mikasa's uncle will be here soon enough to help."

The boys look at Mrs Ackerman confused. "Levi? This whole customer service thing doesn't seem like his, well, cup of tea," Eren says. Mrs Ackerman chuckles before explaining to them that Levi is a man of many talents. They all finish their drinks. Refreshed and warmed. Mrs Ackerman ushers them out and sends them on their way to the mall.

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