Chapter Two: Jake

Start from the beginning

"I'll take it from here," I said and took the baby food from my mom. My mom stood up from her chair to go pack some lunches while I took her spot and fed my sister. "Anna's pretty happy today," I called out to my mom as I placed a spoonful of baby food into Anna's little mouth. She looks so much like my mom even though my mom always said she looks more like me for some reason. I think my mom just has a very strong gene pool. Even my half-brother looks almost exactly like I did when I was his age. I know I have quite a few of my dad's features. The only way I know that is because of pictures I've come across over the years. I burned a good portion of them when I was sixteen because I was going through a hard time and blamed him. But I can still remember his face clear as day from the prom picture. A couple weeks after that picture was taken, my mom would learn that she was pregnant. It really makes me think about how everything can change so instantly. Like these circumstances sneak up on us so unexpectedly and without us even realizing it until it happens.

Mom reached up into a cabinet to grab some cereal for herself. "She had a really good night. Only woke up once."

"That's good." I turned my head in the direction of my brother. "How you doing, bro?" I asked Cody who was eating a bowl of cereal and playing a game on our mom's phone.

"Fine," he said, too attached to his game.

Mom walked up behind him and snatched her phone from his hands. "Breakfast is family time. I told you, you can only play on my phone until Jake came down."

"He doesn't mind," Cody said and pointed a finger at me.

"Well, I mind," Mom said and kissed the top of his head.

Cody groaned dramatically. "Fine." He took a big spoonful of sugar cereal into his mouth. I love this kid. "Mom, can I ask you a question?" Cody said through a mouthful of cereal.

"The answer is no," Mom answered without so much as making eye contact with him.

"You didn't even know what I was going to ask."

Mom placed her hands on his shoulders. "You were going to ask for a dog and the answer is no." She placed a kiss on the top of his head again.

Cody groaned and threw his head back. This kid has been begging for a dog since he was four-years-old. "Why not?"

"Because I already have three kids to clothe and feed. I don't need more on my plate right now."

"But dogs don't wear clothes." God, I fucking love this kid. He is so persuasive.

"But they do eat. A lot. Maybe when Annabelle's a little older."

"Why wait? We can trade Annabelle for a dog. That would work."

I nearly choked on my own air when he said that. Mom laughed and ruffled his hair. "We are not getting rid of your sister." She paused to place a kiss on his cheek. "Maybe we'll get a dog someday but not right now."

I gave my sister a kiss on the forehead causing her to giggle. Focusing my attention away from my mom and brother. "I love you, baby girl."

"Jake," Mom said as she was making her way across the kitchen. "I know this doesn't sound like the best idea but can you take Anna and Cody to work with you after school? The sitter canceled on us again."

I nodded and continued feeding my sister. "Okay. The guys love them anyway."

"Ugh, I'm too old for a babysitter," Cody complained.

Mom gave him a warm smile and crossed her arms over her chest. She didn't look threatening. She looked calm and collected. "You're nine-years-old and I have the authority to tell you what to do."

Unexpected (Published and edited edition)-SAMPLEWhere stories live. Discover now