Shopping For Groceries

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  • Dedicated to the kind man on the street

"You think you were born? No. You were built - and the Creators want you back."

I woke up, with sweat trickling down my forehead. I wiped my face with the back of my hand and sat up. There was this pain in my chest that really hurt and kinda prevented me from breathing normally - that was definitely nothing. Happens all the time waking up.

Oh, right. I'm suppose to introduce myself to you readers. I'm Kyrie Yeager, the younger sister of Tessa, and I'm 18. I'm blind in my left eye, because I stared at the sun too long as a kid, completely fascinated by it. Well, that's what Dad - Cade - said.

Great job, little me. I applaud you.

The one that isn't blind is blue, that - as described by Dad and Lucas and Tessa - seems to glow. Anyway, my hair use to be black, but I changed it. It's now different shades of blue. (Picture at the side.) It reaches to my waist. You probably think that lookes weird - I don't really care. 

I took out some clothes from the closet, took off my PJs, and put them on. It was just a black tank top and gray denim shorts. I put on my black sneakers and headed on out. The first thing I do after I wake up is go to the barn. Breakfast can wait, can't it?

Once I walk in, I see dad working on the robot guard dog. He noticed me walk in and smiled.

"Hey Ky," he said. 

"Hi Dad," I said, faintly smiling. "Do you know what time it is?"

"It's around seven."

"And what time did you come here?"


I sighed and went beside him. "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah. At six." He suddenly stood up, as if remembering something. I tilted my head. "Oh, hey, speaking of food. . . have any money on you? Someone needs to buy groceries. . .,"

"I do. Why? Can't Lucas or Tessa go?"

"Tessa's off on a drive with her friends, Lucas is at work-"

"Okay, okay. I'll go. But will you be okay? I don't want you getting hurt-"

"I'll be fine, Kyrie. You know what to get, right?"

"Yeah. See you, Dad."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went out of the barn. Oh, yay me, getting a task right after waking up. That's nice. Everyone needs the exercise, anyway.

I only had a bicycle, so it would take long to get to the grocery store. About. . . I don't know, an hour or half? All I knew was that it wasn't a short trip. Especially if my bicycle broke down, which is bound to happen. I don't really repair it., I use the materials on other things. Like inventions.

I happened to pass the "Report If You See Alien Robots" billboard on the way. I never really understood that sign - I know that we use to work with those robots once. Why'd they start attacking Chicago? There had to be a reason for it. I don't believe they were blood-thirsty killers or whatever, because then we wouldn't work with them. Right?


-Time Skip-

I stopped in front of the Super Market and got in. I got everything me and my family needed, and went to hail a Taxi. I could just leave my bike there - It was almost broken and rusty anyway. I could always build myself another one. 

"Excuse me, ma'am," A voice said. 

I turned around to see a man crouching down, holding out a book. I tilted my head sideways.

"Um, hi?" I said.

"Could you please-" he coughed. "-please, have this?"

He gestured to the book, and I read the title: Calm Before The Storm.

I immediately recognized it. It was one of those books that were about the alien robots, that were banned from civilians. Those who had it were sent to jail. Was he trying to get me into trouble, so he wouldn't? "Hey, um," I started. "I don't think I-"

"Please," he insisted. "I'm not getting you into trouble, I swear! As long as they don't find out- you're safe! It reveals the truth, young one. All I'm trying to do is spread the truth. I want everyone to know who they really are!"

He gestured to the book again, and I started to be fascinated. The cover showed a red and blue bot. And, out of pure curiousity, I took it, and immediately put it in one of my pockets, since it was the size of a pocket book.

"Thank you, child. You will not regret it."

Hopefully not, I thought as a Taxi pulled up and I got inside. The car started, and the figure of the man grew smaller and smaller until I could not see him anymore.


After a drive that seemed like forever, I finally arrived back home. I got out of the Taxi, payed the driver, and walked towards my house. I saw Tessa studying outside on the porch, which must've been hard since it was really windy. I went up to her, and she noticed me as she looked up.

"Hey Ky," she said with a smile.

"Hey Tes," I smiled faintly. "Has Dad come out yet?"

"Just once. Then he went back inside."

" 'Kay, thanks. Hey, why are you studying outside? Your pages keep flipping."

"It's better than being cooped up in the house."

I chuckled and got inside the house. I went into the kitchen and put the things where it's suppose to be, and went straight into my room.

Once I sat on the bed I took out the book the man gave me. As I read it, I became attached to the story immediately.

'Orion Pax watched over the illuminated city of Iacon...'

And eventually, I couldn't take my eyes off the paper.


Okay! That was it. Sorry it's pretty short. It was kind of like this backstory thing. How Kyrie learned about the Autobots and Decepticons and all that, and yeah. Hope you enjoyed it!

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